This is an introduction to the role of the Anchor, in shooters and how this role applies to splatoon. Since the main gametype this applies to is splat zones, I'll be explaining the role of an anchor in terms of KOTH gametypes.
To put it simply, the anchor's job is to control and maintain a spawnpoint for his team. Ideally the anchor would set up at the nearest spawnpoint to the active hill so that if his teammates are killed defending the hill, they can quickly return on respawn.
You might be thinking "well isn't it much harder to defend the hill with only 3 people instead of 4?". Of course it is a bit harder, but the idea at play is risk vs reward. Having an anchor allows you to quickly return, so even if you lose control momentarily, you can regain it quickly. If instead you decide to defend with 4 people and lose control, then now you're spawning out much further and it allows the other team to set up properly and gain a lot more time. In other shooters, maintaining anchor also forces the opposing team to "spawn out", meaning they spawn farther away, usually on the other side of the map (although each games spawn system is different).
Here is an example from Black Ops 2 to help you visualize. The green square is the active hill, and the blue is the position of the anchor and where his team would respawn:
The Anchor needs to kill any approaching enemies, but also not let them get too close, since that would block the spawn point. So the anchor generally uses a long range weapon.
Alright, now we can discuss how the role of anchor applies to splatoon. Now obviously in splatoon there's only 1 spawn point, so you can't play anchor in exactly the same way. But there IS the mechanic of super jumping. To put it simply: in splatoon, the anchor's job is to let his team super jump safely back to the hill. Now unlike other games, I believe in splatoon the anchor can also help maintain the splat zone, but it's important he doesn't over-push and end up dying. Using a long range shooter is probably the best option. It allows you to ink the hill from a distance but also be able to engage enemies that challenge you closer up. Lobbing nades is also a good option. When your team has full control, simply throwing a nade, refilling, throwing a nade, refilling... is enough to help your team maintain the hill and stop anyone rushing in too far to try and neutralize it. By doing that you aren't putting yourself in as much danger so if some teammates are taken out, they can make it back quickly.
Now im still not sure if there will be strict anchor roles on ALL the maps in splatoon's meta down the line, but i can definitely say that Saltspray rig will need to utilize this role. Here's another picture, once again green is the hill and blue is the anchor.
Now, as you all know the top portion of Saltspray has only 1 point of access: through the middle. That's why holding the top portion of the map is so important for splat zones. It gives your teammates a safer place to super jump in and also gives you direct access to the hill.
Now there's a reason I didn't highlight the ENTIRE top portion of the map in blue. Straying too far from the hill can not only allow the other team to take control, but can also trap you too far back in the top section. In games where teams over-rely on that super jump (for example I've played games where they had 3 beacons back there and always super jumped in) it can be a good option for the other team to simply lock them in back there. It's difficult for a team to push over that ramp without dying, especially when there are long range weapons waiting for you. So it's important to find a balance between inking the zone and staying back to allow your teammates to jump in. The zone highlighted is my general rule of thumb for the area i should be staying in. Moving into the hill with bubbler or kraken is also good but you should avoid pushing in when you're last alive especially.
I'd have to say that 90% of the games that I've played on SSR have ended with the team who controlled the top winning.
Here is the best route to get to anchor off the start of a game:
Now I've only talked about Saltspray so far because it's the most obvious example, but here are some other proposed examples for the other maps. Keep in mind that these are a bit less defined and i think should all be taken with a grain of salt, they are just propositions.
Weapon set suggestions: Using sets with bubbler or kraken can be very useful for staying alive and killing off players pushing the hill. When playing anchor i try and use weapon sets with those specific specials, but others like bomb rush can be useful. Any form of grenades can be useful for deterring the enemy players from a distance and inking the plat zone without engaging too close. Longer range weapons are good for that purpose as well as killing enemies from a distance although close rangers like the splattershot junior still work well if you have the proper team composition and support you need. On maps with smaller corridors you can always utilize splash walls effectively. Try to avoid anchoring with charger weapons on maps (like saltsrpay) where the anchor position is highly contested.
Note that playing the anchor in splatoon doesn't mean you exclusively stay back. You need to know when to push with your team and when to stay back just like any other player, but you need to be cautious and stay aware of enemy positioning so you don;t over push and lose a valuable anchor spot.
I hope you guys enjoyed this guide and i hope it's helped you step up your splat zones game. Leave a review if you feel like it :)
To put it simply, the anchor's job is to control and maintain a spawnpoint for his team. Ideally the anchor would set up at the nearest spawnpoint to the active hill so that if his teammates are killed defending the hill, they can quickly return on respawn.
You might be thinking "well isn't it much harder to defend the hill with only 3 people instead of 4?". Of course it is a bit harder, but the idea at play is risk vs reward. Having an anchor allows you to quickly return, so even if you lose control momentarily, you can regain it quickly. If instead you decide to defend with 4 people and lose control, then now you're spawning out much further and it allows the other team to set up properly and gain a lot more time. In other shooters, maintaining anchor also forces the opposing team to "spawn out", meaning they spawn farther away, usually on the other side of the map (although each games spawn system is different).
Here is an example from Black Ops 2 to help you visualize. The green square is the active hill, and the blue is the position of the anchor and where his team would respawn:

The Anchor needs to kill any approaching enemies, but also not let them get too close, since that would block the spawn point. So the anchor generally uses a long range weapon.
Alright, now we can discuss how the role of anchor applies to splatoon. Now obviously in splatoon there's only 1 spawn point, so you can't play anchor in exactly the same way. But there IS the mechanic of super jumping. To put it simply: in splatoon, the anchor's job is to let his team super jump safely back to the hill. Now unlike other games, I believe in splatoon the anchor can also help maintain the splat zone, but it's important he doesn't over-push and end up dying. Using a long range shooter is probably the best option. It allows you to ink the hill from a distance but also be able to engage enemies that challenge you closer up. Lobbing nades is also a good option. When your team has full control, simply throwing a nade, refilling, throwing a nade, refilling... is enough to help your team maintain the hill and stop anyone rushing in too far to try and neutralize it. By doing that you aren't putting yourself in as much danger so if some teammates are taken out, they can make it back quickly.
Now im still not sure if there will be strict anchor roles on ALL the maps in splatoon's meta down the line, but i can definitely say that Saltspray rig will need to utilize this role. Here's another picture, once again green is the hill and blue is the anchor.

Now, as you all know the top portion of Saltspray has only 1 point of access: through the middle. That's why holding the top portion of the map is so important for splat zones. It gives your teammates a safer place to super jump in and also gives you direct access to the hill.
Now there's a reason I didn't highlight the ENTIRE top portion of the map in blue. Straying too far from the hill can not only allow the other team to take control, but can also trap you too far back in the top section. In games where teams over-rely on that super jump (for example I've played games where they had 3 beacons back there and always super jumped in) it can be a good option for the other team to simply lock them in back there. It's difficult for a team to push over that ramp without dying, especially when there are long range weapons waiting for you. So it's important to find a balance between inking the zone and staying back to allow your teammates to jump in. The zone highlighted is my general rule of thumb for the area i should be staying in. Moving into the hill with bubbler or kraken is also good but you should avoid pushing in when you're last alive especially.
I'd have to say that 90% of the games that I've played on SSR have ended with the team who controlled the top winning.
Here is the best route to get to anchor off the start of a game:

Now I've only talked about Saltspray so far because it's the most obvious example, but here are some other proposed examples for the other maps. Keep in mind that these are a bit less defined and i think should all be taken with a grain of salt, they are just propositions.

Weapon set suggestions: Using sets with bubbler or kraken can be very useful for staying alive and killing off players pushing the hill. When playing anchor i try and use weapon sets with those specific specials, but others like bomb rush can be useful. Any form of grenades can be useful for deterring the enemy players from a distance and inking the plat zone without engaging too close. Longer range weapons are good for that purpose as well as killing enemies from a distance although close rangers like the splattershot junior still work well if you have the proper team composition and support you need. On maps with smaller corridors you can always utilize splash walls effectively. Try to avoid anchoring with charger weapons on maps (like saltsrpay) where the anchor position is highly contested.
Note that playing the anchor in splatoon doesn't mean you exclusively stay back. You need to know when to push with your team and when to stay back just like any other player, but you need to be cautious and stay aware of enemy positioning so you don;t over push and lose a valuable anchor spot.
I hope you guys enjoyed this guide and i hope it's helped you step up your splat zones game. Leave a review if you feel like it :)