Splatterscope 101

Splatterscope 101

Hi there, I'm kirisoul an S+ charger/shooter player. The Splatterscope has been my favorite weapon from Splatoon's launch. I've also had significant experience with the kelp kit, as well as both Eliters, but I always find myself going back to the basic Splatterscope whenever I can. I love its simple, yet effective kit, and I hope that after reading this guide you'll appreciate it more too!

Part 1: Understanding the Splatterscope
The Splatterscope is as average as chargers get. It boasts a range of just over 6 meters, but only reaches around 4 meters when not fully charged. It charges in just over a second, and features average mobility. Its tank holds ~5.5 shots without any Ink Saver Main.

With its good ink efficiency and average charge time, the Splatterscope excels at inking large areas quickly. The key here is the word "large". Chargers in general don't have the time (or ability) to be focusing on corners and small patches of enemy ink. Fire a few quick tap charges at those and get back to laying huge lines in the middle of the battlefield!

Overall, the Splatterscope excels at maintaining control of a wide area. Its game plan is to use its 6 meters of range to push the front line forward, comfortably outranging every weapon besides the Eliter. Its short charge time and decent 4 meter uncharged range also give it just enough tools to deal with mid-range weapons in a pinch. This allows the Splatterscope to alternate between defensive and aggressive playstyles, as well as play a more mobile game compared to the Eliter.

Part 2: Splat Bombs and Bomb Rush
Good Splat Bomb play is an essential skill for using the Splatterscope. The versatility of the splat bomb is well known, but for the Splatterscope especially it is an amazing tool for:

-Escaping sticky situations
-Forcing opposing Inklings out of cover
-Controlling a target's movement

A Splatterscope user needs to keep in mind that the weapon is not defenseless at close range. A well placed splat bomb at one's feet or just in front of them will deter an advancing opponent, providing plenty of time for you to escape and sometimes even splat the aggressor if he/she has committed too much to the attack. Bombs are also great for covering ledges that potential aggressors could be climbing up. Again, if the aggressor doesn't check the top of the ledge first, he/she will find a bomb instead of a "defenseless" sniper waiting for them!

Splat Bombs complement the Splatterscope's range well. If opposing inklings are hiding behind walls, throw a bomb there to force them into your waiting laser! It's a pretty standard and obvious tactic, but that doesn't negate its effectiveness.

Perhaps the most risky, yet potentially devastating way to use one's bombs is to throw them directly at an intended target in open space. This will force that target to escape the bomb, allowing one to predict their movements and possibly secure a clean snipe. However, this is a risky proposition because every Inkling's reaction to this tactic is different. Some will retreat, others will rush to splat you since you have given away your location and 70% of your ink tank. Engage in this gambit wisely (and preferably with plenty of team support).

Finally, the splat bomb rush takes all of these applications and multiplies their effectiveness. Bomb rushing around your feet will shut down even the most aggressive attackers. Bomb rushes are essentially guaranteed to splat an inkling trapped behind cover, just throw some bombs to their sides first. And the gambit described above becomes significantly in the Splatterscope's favor when he/she can lay bombs in any of the directions the target may move. Move around during the bomb rush to increase its range, and don't forget to lay some defensive bombs if you feel uncertain about your position.​

Part 3: Confidence and Practice
More than anything else, confidence is key to playing any charger. This is because no amount of bombs or tactical thinking will change the fact that a charger lives and dies by his/her aim. If one is not confident in keeping a steady aim even in the most chaotic of situations, then his/her charger play will be significantly weaker.

Aiming is a skill that can only be improved with experience, but one can always get more structured practice in the training area by developing his/her own set of exercises.

Personally, I like to stand 6 lines away from the furthest dummy in the lower level, then practice strafing and flicking snipes first. The upper level is great for practicing peaking from the left wall, as well as closer range snipes. Practice aiming until you can stay calm even when that krak-on roller is about to swing.

Most importantly, forgive yourself for missing shots. Improvement may seem slow at times, but keep working at it and you'll see steady improvements. If there existed a charger who could hit every single shot, he/she would surely be a sight to behold. Thankfully, such an Inkling doesn't exist.​

Part 4: Caution and Strategy
It's always important to note the opposing team's composition, but for a Splatterscope this is especially important. It's essential to identify:

-If the other team has a charger
-Number of aggressive vs. defensive weapons
-Blasters, Sloshers, anything that can easily challenge sniper perches.

Opposing chargers are always the most dangerous opponents, as they can easily pick you off in the middle of a shot if you're not careful. Try to keep an eye on any opposing chargers, or at least know their general location throughout the match.

Knowledge of the general aggression level of the opposing team can help you predict the likelihood of a flank, as well as when to push up to pressure defensive opponents.

Blasters and Sloshers can splat you from on top of perches with relative ease, so they should be noted and dealt with accordingly. Retreat immediately if you notice one approaching. By the time you've been hit by the first shot, it's usually too late to escape.

A Splatterscope user has the valuable ability to use sniper perches and ledges to get a feel of the battle's state on a grand scale. He/she also has the most opportunities to take a quick glance at the map while refilling ink or between shots. Use this ability to assess your next move.

The key here is "next move". A Splatterscope user should stay mobile. Sniper perches are safe, but not invincible positions. Staying in the same location makes one's shots easier to predict, and it leaves one more susceptible to flanks. If you spot a fight going on that's out of your reach, move forward to assist, or at least toss a bomb into the action. Finally, if your team is at a disadvantage, know when to retreat! A lone Splatterscope is highly vulnerable, as it relies on team support to keep close range pressure off.

Once you have made your next move and reached a new position, always keep your ink reserves in mind. If the position feels safe (lots of teammates, surrounded by your color), feel free to exhaust the tank firing shots and pushing the front line forward. But if there is potential danger, try to fire just 1 or 2 shots before refilling or moving again. Always keep a splat bomb in reserve for emergencies in these scenarios.

Even with appropriate caution, everyone gets into terrible situations sometimes. Maybe you exhausted your tank escaping one opponent, only to spot a flanker quickly moving in to take advantage of your newly vulnerable position. Or maybe you're being chased by 3 krakens, you never know! If you identify such a situation, super jump back to base immediately! Avoiding splats is especially important because the Splatterscope has heavy special depletion. One shouldn't be jumping away from every close encounter, but when faced with inevitable doom, the ability to quickly super jump away is essential. Practice super jumping until you can do it without looking at the gamepad. The base button will always be in the same position on the bottom right of your gamepad screen.

Overall, keeping tabs on the state of the match is every charger's main duty. The Splatterscope is especially effective at turning the tide of engagements with its high ink rate and bomb rush, use this your advantage!​

Part 5: Recommended Gear Abilities

: Damage Up allows the Splatterscope to splat without a full charge, drastically improving the Splatterscope's close range combat ability. The amount of damage up one should run depends on playstyle. Highly aggressive Splatterscopes may want to stack more damage to create a "pseudo squiffer". Personally, I would recommend at least 1 main and 1 sub minimum. This allows the charger to splat at around 7/8 charge. It also ups the splat bomb's splash damage to 33.4, increasing the bomb rush's power, as it can now splat opposing Inklings with just 3, rather than 4 splash damages.

: Bomb Range Up allows a Splatterscope user to toss bombs into key locations from safer distances. 1 Main allows an inkling with momentum to toss bombs at a range close to the Splatterscope itself. This makes forcing opposing inklings out of cover much easier and safer. Bomb Range Up also conveniently improves the range of Bomb Rush, and can make defensive bomb placements easier to space.

: Ink Recovery Up is generally superior to Ink Saver Main for chargers. This is because chargers can afford to refill entire tanks from safe locations, making ink recovery up comparable to Ink Saver Main in terms of overall ink/time efficiency, while also boosting splat bomb deployment rate. The correct amount differs based on player preference, ranging from multiple mains to none at all. One thing's for sure though, if you're satisfied with your other gear, you can never stack too much Ink Recovery.

: Ink Saver Sub increases Splat Bomb deployment rate, and also makes emergency defensive splat bombs less taxing on the tank. This is important because the few instances in which a Splatterscope won't have time to calmly sit down to refill the tank is when it is on the run from another weapon, or in a 1v1 confrontation. Ink Saver Sub provides the greatest amount of ink economy in the shortest amount of time in these scenarios, and it also allows one to fire more shots while still having a backup splat bomb.

: Special Saver may seem like a strange choice of abilities on a charger at first. After all, when played correctly, one shouldn't be engaging in risky scenarios or trading too much right? However, there are a few reasons why the Splatterscope benefits greatly from this ability. First, the Splatterscope's natural special generation is strong. It can safely ink large areas, and the bomb rush is a self charging special (as in the leftover bombs from the end of it partially charge the next rush.) This means that if a Splatterscope stays alive, generating multiple bomb rushes is not an issue. However, the Splatterscope has heavy special depletion, and thus being splatted is a huge blow to the special meter. Stacking a bit of special saver ensures that even in these instances, one's special rhythm is not greatly interrupted.

Side Note: 1 sub of
increases the length of bomb rush from 10 bombs to 11 bombs assuming one is constantly tossing them. This is a significant benefit for only a 1 sub benefit, so consider adding it to your set if you're a bomb rush enthusiast!

Other Abilities:

: Ink Saver Main as mentioned above, is not as efficient as Ink Recovery for chargers. This doesn't mean it's a bad ability to have though. Even though Ink Recovery does give you the same amount of ink for your time, Ink Saver Main can allow you to fire more shots before needing to refill (although this will be more time consuming overall than just saving your shots and refilling first with Ink Recovery). Most notably, 2 subs of Ink Saver Main increase the base shot count from 5.5 to 6.

: Speed is never a bad thing to have, but for chargers in particular I am of the opinion that it is not entirely necessary. Chargers should be viewing the battlefield at a distance, so while making fast approaches or narrow escapes is useful, it doesn't happen nearly as often to a charger as it does to any other weapon class. That being said, if you really want to go the half squiffer route, definitely stack a bunch of damage up and run speed.

: Some chargers are big fans of Cold-Blooded. I am not one of them, although I can see the value. Flanks are deadly against chargers, and a marked charger is also easier for opposing chargers to snipe. By shaving off half the effect of enemy Echolocators and Point Sensors (4-4.5 seconds), Cold-Blooded makes all these events less likely. I feel like a charger should maintain enough positional awareness to prevent flanks from happening in the first place, as well as know when to back down from an unfavorable duel with an opposing charger. At the end of the day though, I won't question Cold-Blooded's usefulness. Give it a try and see if you like it!​

Part 6: VS. Eliter
As mentioned in part 4, opposing chargers are extremely dangerous opponents. A poorly positioned or stationary charger is easy picking for another charger, so one should make sure to mix up positions and perches.

The only weapon in the game that outranges the Splatterscope is another fellow charger: the Eliter 3K. This makes the Eliter by far the most dangerous opponent for the Splatterscope, so much so that I thought it merited its own section.

While suffering a slower charging time (around 1.5x as much as the Splatterscope), the Eliter boasts an 8 meter range, allowing it to pick off an unsuspecting Splatterscope with ease. It's range when not fully charged nearly reaches the Splatterscope's fully charged range.

So what is the best way to beat the Eliter as a Splatterscope?

Simple: know how to play an Eliter.

Get to know exactly where the best spots are for the Eliter to snipe. Find a feel for how long those extra 2 meters in its range matter, and try the matchup from the other end. Using a Splatterscope will give you ample preparation for the precision required to play an Eliter, and playing as one will help when you face against the Eliter yourself.

In terms of practical tips, keep in mind that if you position yourself at the tip of your range, the Eliter cannot splat you unless he/she fully charges a shot. This gives you a significant advantage simply because the Splatterscope charges shots much faster than the Eliter. In other words, if you happen to catch an Eliter within your max range, simply wait for it to fire its shot, then you get one guaranteed free shot on the Eliter, as its partial shot will be unable to reach you. Your splat bombs can also knock the Eliter from its comfortable perches, giving you breathing room to get into a safer and preferably closer position.

Another strategy when facing an Eliter is to ignore it unless it challenges you. Find safe positions away from the Eliter's range, and exhibit your own pressure on the opposing team. Remember that the Splatterscope has much stronger ink efficiency, and thus can apply pressure more readily than an Eliter. In a balanced game state, you have the advantage in generating turf for your team to move in on the Eliter.

At the end of the day, the matchup is not unlike that of the Splattershot vs. Splattershot Pro. Range is certainly a significant factor, but smart positioning, movement, and speed can still win even in a 1v1 scenario.

Part 7: Map Specific Notes
Arowana Mall: 1 Main of Bomb Range Up enables bomb throws from your snipe to their entrance to zone. If facing an Eliter, do not step too far forward on your snipe, as the Eliter can reach its tip. Your closed provides a good counter snipe position against their snipe, but the same applies to you.

BlackBelly Skatepark: Central Tower is an extremely potent sniping position, but it can be easily challenged by bombs, their snipe, and especially inkzookas, so be careful. Bomb Range Up allows you to bomb rush their zone from your plat.

Bluefin Depot: 1 Main and 2 subs of Bomb Range to make throws behind the zone barriers from snipe.

Moray Towers and Port Mackerel: Eliters have significantly safer positions on these maps. If you choose to play Splatterscope, do not challenge them directly and wait for your team to create an opening.

Part 8: Mode Specific Notes
Tower Control: Riding the tower as a charger can be a strong position against other chargers, as right side peeking from the pillar is highly effective. Practice landing bombs on the tower.

Rainmaker: 1 Main and 2 subs of Damage Up allows the Splatterscope to pop the shield in just 2 fully charged shots. This allows for lightning fast pops if the rainmaker is uncontested.

And that's all I have to say about the Splatterscope! I hope you found this guide informative and helpful! I'll be updating it every now and then with new tips and tricks as I discover them. Now that you know the basics of playing the the Splatterscope, get out there to snipe some squids! And remember, when in doubt, throw a lot of Splat Bombs!
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4.80 star(s) 5 ratings

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This was really close to being 5 star for me! I main charger, and I'm always looking for ways to get better. The only reason why it's 4 star and not 5 is because it would have been great to know how to practice more in depth. But other then that, great guide!
This is really helpful! This gives a full in-depth review and this willl really help me against Elit 3k (which I go against a lot)
As a Kelp/Bento main, this guide wasn't exactly what I was looking for... but that doesn't mean it wasn't awesome! This guide was extremely in-depth, and detailed, and covered nearly every aspect of the Splatterscope. As @Swiss_Squid said, excellent writing and explanation. Great job!

I don't know if you are as good with it, but please write a Bento Splatterscope guide!
Wow. This is probably the best guide for the Splatterscope I have ever seen. Excellent writing and explanation. As a Splatterscope main who uses the killer wail iteration and bomb rush iteration I knew a lot of strategies that you outlined but the gear is what I was mystifed about. Now I know to use Ink Recovery rather Ink Saver Main. Thank you! :D
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