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I just watched 3 scott the woz videos and this is my recommendation. WHAT IS THIS?
Don't get me wrong even though I started watching him he is pretty funny and there are wayyyy worse things that can be in my recommendation feed, but there is a limit on how much scott the woz a single man can handle.
I had a bizzare X rank rainmaker match that I won in 1:30 minutes. The enemy team consisted of 4 frontline weapons with only 1 person wearing stealth jump, A krak-on roller with respawn punisher, and a splash-o-matic player who somehow got zero crabs. This is 2400 X power. X rank is not real.
Alright if we're dropping our wishlist for switch 2 than I'm also going to drop mines. ARMS 2 please Nintendo make it happen please the game has so much potential and the marketing on the first one was eh...
A bit ago I said something about dapples and how I wouldn’t mind it dropping down the tierlist if it meant slider got nerfed in zones. I deleted after 10 minutes because I thought it was just me being salty. Nope I still agree with my initial comment especially after this match.
I had this aching headache for the past couple of days and I had no idea why until I remembered that I haven't drank water once in the past week. So I drank some and my headache went away, who knew doing healthy thing is healthy for me.
I'm starting to not like kraken as much as I used to. I don't know for me it just feels so slow. It might be because there's not really any kraken weapons I like to play except for range and roller. But both of those weapons have their own problem that doesn't really make the kraken kit fun to use.
Truth be told I never really listened to much hiphop not because I dislike the genre or anything I just never had any urge to listen to hiphop music, but Tyler The Creator "Chromokopia" got me like