Accomplishments of 2024


Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
Switch Friend Code
So going off of SevenLeaf's post about Sploon New Year resolution, I wanted to go the opposite way: what are some of your proudest accomplishments of the year? Was it hitting a certain rank? Was it joining a competitive team? Was it learning a weapon?

I can start, in no particular order:
1. 5 starring Sploosh
Despite playing this game for a long time, I never had a Golden/5 star weapon badge until this year! Part of my problem is that I have commitment issues until the Sploosh. The god of all shooters and weapons!

2. 999-ing all 7 Salmon Run maps
Hitting 999 is no small feat. If you done it, you know. HLM is quite a ride if you hit 333 Hazard Level.

3. Golden Grizzco banner
Good grief. This took me way longer than I'd like to admit. I got more frustrated than I'd like to admit. But thank God King Throwing exists. Thank God Triumvirate rounds are now a thing. Thank God for the global quota from Grand Fest Big Run. Thank God for the reworked reward system. This whole process was a gamble: you're fighting for a king to MAYBE get one Gold. Trust me: as much as I'm proud to be someone with a Golden Grizz banner, I DO NOT recommend doing this. Seriously. Unless you are either a super dedicated or exclusively a Salmon Runner, do not do this.

4. Playing different weapons of different classes
Never have I ever seen myself playing Bows and an Explosher of all things. Never have I ever thought I'd 3 star L3-D and Hydra. Never have I ever thought I'd be acquainted with the very very GOATed H3. Never have I thought I'd pick up Dread Wringer because of Fresh Season's initially disappointing weapons (see Dread D).

5. Joining a team
I like playing the game but you can only do so much playing alone. I never thought I'd actually talk to people who play the Sploon. That's why joining a team and making friends along the way is something that wasn't on my 2024 Bingo card. Playing in tourneys and scrimming is quite fun!

That's enough from me: what about you?


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code

anyway as anyone who knows me surely knows at this point i have felt pretty stagnant all year. some folks around me insist i’ve improved but i just can’t see it. that being said, i’ve been interested in comp probably all throughout 2023 but always hesitated to take the first steps to become a comp player myself. told myself i was too busy, i didn’t have the right setup, my living situation would surely sabotage any efforts i made towards playing competitively, etc etc. but january of this year i finally went, y’know what? i’m sick of waiting for the stars to align, i’m just gonna do it. i started with chill ‘23 junior’s draft and then joined a team a few months later. i wish i’d made that plunge earlier, sure, but… i did it, better late than never.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Getting to 999 in all Salmon Run stages, clearing out most of the Salmon Run Banners (the ones requiring Golden Scales will have to wait until I get all three of the ones that require 333 Golden Scales, one of which I'm close to getting).

Getting the Octo Shot to max freshness so I can use the badge associated with it.

Getting my final two OCs in SFM and finally freeing up some more ideas I had for a long time now.

Very simple, but I'm proud that I'm starting to treat Splatoon 3 as a secondary game so I can play other games in my library that I haven't even started yet.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Midwestern US
I 5 starred my favorite weapon of all time the Sorella brella
And I completed 4 starring every single brella kit

I also finally got past my weapon-pool-problem and picked up the Splatling class as a secondary class to play with brellas and my weapon pool feels perfect now

I also won grandfest so thats gotta count for something


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
Oh BOY do I have a lot of accomplishments.

1. Getting top 500
Top 500 had always been a dream for me since it was first revealed. I always kept getting close, but no cigar until finally in Fresh season where I finally made it to 332 place in clam blitz and gotten to top 500. that felt so satisfying to finally reach it.

2. 5 starring 3 weapons
In this year alone I was able to 5 star 3 whole weapons one of which I don't really play to much anymore, but still the fact I was able to 5 star 3 weapons is definitely something I'm proud of. Tri slosher is going to be the first weapon to be 5-starred in 2025

3. Having a total of 35 4 star weapons
Like the title says there are 35 weapons I have at 4 stars right now which is crazy to think about hoping for at least 40 next year.

4. 4 starring every single roller
This one I'm quite proud of because I always said how much I like rollers yet I never really played them until one day I decided to 4 star all of them. I like this since now it feels like I have a better understanding about the roller class its strengths and weaknesses across all weapons

5. Finally having an idea about my playstyle
From end game splatoon 2 to I would say may this year I always had a hard time figuring out what my play style was. I had a favorite weapon sure, but I struggled to understand what exactly are my strengths and weaknesses as a player, what my playstyle was, etc. Now I feel that I have a good idea about what it is an aggro playstyle that either forces interactions or goes for picks so slayer and skirmisher.

6. Getting my door into the comp scene
This literally happened last week, but I finally got my door into the comp scene I always been interested in comp splatoon since I first learned about it, but I always had a hard time getting my foot into the door since I had no idea what to do or if I would be any good. That was until last week where I finally joined a tournament with some squidboards members and while we didn't win we did get gold bracket which for a first tournament run is incredible for me

Team photo

7. Just joining squidboards
This part might get a bit to sappy for my taste, but it need to be said. Joining squidboards might unironically be one the highest accomplishments this year even outside of splatoon. You see I always struggle with social interaction and dealt with social anxiety which is not too fun. Online or Offline I had zero confidence in myself to talk with people and without fail start sweating like I just ran 5 marathons without breaks. Joining this site had finally for once in my life given me confidence to actually talk with people. Don't get me wrong at first I was the exact same as I always been not saying anything and just passively observing and the whole Jackpot thing unironically had me considering just leaving this site. Until I started to become a bit more open and speaking about myself more. I joined the octo airlines discord and for once in what felt like years I felt that I finally had a voice and I can say anything I want. This site and the people on it and given me the confidence to start being a bit more open with myself and interact with other people online and offline even met some pretty cool people online. Offline a bit less luck since where I live at it's mostly gang members and old people in my neighborhood, but I feel if given the chance I can hold a conversation that won't instantly turn to crap in like 30 seconds and for that I'm just grateful

8. Grushi death
Ok number 7 was way to sappy for me as I predicted so for number 8 Grushi and I was in a chase video and in the first minute he dropped off lemuria hub bridge and died while I got a double kill with dynamo lol lmao


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
6. Getting my door into the comp scene
This literally happened last week, but I finally got my door into the comp scene I always been interested in comp splatoon since I first learned about it, but I always had a hard time getting my foot into the door since I had no idea what to do or if I would be any good. That was until last week where I finally joined a tournament with some squidboards members and while we didn't win we did get gold bracket which for a first tournament run is incredible for me
View attachment 13800
Team photo
spongebob pointing at himself on tv meme


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Oh boy. I'll try my best to go over this chronologically. Most of these are in the later half of the year because most of my big accomplishments in the first half were either in non-Splatoon games or pale in comparison to the stuff I did later on.

I got a Sendou Badge...with Quad Wiper

A while ago, someone who once subbed for my team pinged me on Discord saying he was joining a tournament with a quad Splatana Wiper team that he wanted me to join in on. I was a Wiper Deco main a long time ago and it sounded like a lot of fun so I said sure. The tournament worked like DzNutsKup if you'd remember - Round Robin pools where placements determine the single elimination bracket you're put into. We went 0-3 and got placed in the lowest bracket but managed to win that! Shoutouts to Golonka for both inviting me and being cracked at Wiper. Check my Sendou profile - the badge for it is still there!

I Won a (+ Charcoal Decavitator's First?) HUGE Tournament

I've gone over it already in this thread but will briefly mention it here. To summarize, I won Low Ink's Beta Bracket this June. Low Ink is the biggest tournament series in Splatoon's Western scene and if you don't recall, June is the same month the weapon released. The genuinely euphoric feeling after the final game ended is something I'll never forget. This might also have been Charcoal Decavitator's first big tournament result of any kind since few people were pushing Decav at the time and practically everyone who was had chosen to push the Mint kit.

I didn't quite earn the gold medal at the time because I still got some degree of carried, but I at the very least played strong enough to hold my own against some pretty strong teams. I would prove myself later on by doing similarly well in a later Low Ink while pulling my weight and then some for basically the whole time.



Believe it or not, this is a real, unedited screenshot. I won a game of Anarchy Series with 22 kills, 2 assists, and no deaths with a weapon that is both incredibly slow and needs to play in the enemies' face. I even have footage. How did I do this? Well, it was because of multiple things going my way at once. My opponents did not play especially well and were also very uncoordinated. My teammates also played very slowly, leaving me to do a majority of the fighting by myself. They didn't die a whole lot but weren't exactly jumping to help either. This also allowed my opponents to cheese the Splat Zone with Reefslider since my teammates were not prepared to deal with that. The Reefslider cheese made the game last way longer than it should have, around four minutes in total.

I think the funniest part about this game was that I genuinely didn't realize that I hadn't died. One of my friends was watching and he didn't notice either. The game felt...weird, since it felt like I was putting in a lot of very well-placed effort only for things to feel very slow, but not like it was going so well that I literally did not die once. I'm sure not many people can say they've ever had a game with 20+ kills and 0 deaths but hey, now I can say I've joined this elusive club that doesn't even exist.

5 Stars in Under a Month

Before the Charcoal Decavitator launched my record was two months with Stamper Nouveau. It took half of that time for Decav. Funny enough when I had finally gotten it I said to myself "now I can go back to playing other weapons" since I didn't really have a main for the brief period before Decav launched but it took me all of like 24 hours to go back to it being the only thing I'd play LOL

A Few Top Player Wins

Not one I'm quite as proud of even though it might sound crazy in a vacuum but I technically have won against Omega from Moonlight as well as CloudSpore who is one of the best Brush players in the world. How exactly? Neither were on their mains. Omega was playing the Tetra Dualies and Spore was on the Range Blaster. Plus I get the feeling that people like them are less inclined to take the Anarchy modes super seriously just in general. Still worth mentioning I guess. However...

29 Wins in a Row

On the same day as the former of those wins, I went on my longest win streak ever. 29 games. In a row. Let that sink in. Some of these were while playing in a scrimmage with my team, a huge chunk of these were during a solo session where you can see for yourself that I straight-up did not lose, and later that day I joined a fun lobby where I won several games in a row there too. The only thing killing my streak was the fact that I wanted to play some pocket weapons instead of my main during that lobby.

+600 Peak X Power

I'm not usually one to grind X Rank. I've found it pretty consistently stressful and not as fun as a result. My peak with Stamper was always 1800 though and after the Decavitator released I felt it'd be nice to give it another shot. Despite still not having played too much, my peak is now 2400 - WAY higher than before. Pretty insane glowup if you ask me. I still regret not playing more around then just for the sake of seeing how far I could've gotten because I had at least one or two wins against a Top 10 player.

A Successful DzNutsKup #1

Surely this counts. I'd like to think I did a pretty good job running this. It was great seeing the enthusiasm so many people had and I'm looking forward to running a second one.

Clean Sweeping a 1v1 Tournament...Almost

After my old team disbanded, we had a 1v1 tournament across the five of us just for fun. Everyone would play everyone in a round robin format and the top two performers would move on to a grand finals. I was up against a Dualie Squelchers, Slosher Deco, Splatana Stamper, and Glooga Dualies - all weapons that outranged and could kill faster than me. I can't reliably shark into them either because we'll always be able to see a general area of where the other person is.

Despite that, and despite these people having crazy mechanics, I managed to go 4-0 in the Round Robin! It was only barely - I literally tied two of the opponents and came dangerously close to for a third. I ended up losing in Grand Finals pretty badly too. So how did I do it? Sharking where I could of course, but also using Inkjet A LOT. My Inkjets were truly what carried me that day, and even when I didn't kill someone it was still a huge deal for being my only way to force my opponents back and take space from them. It was a weird, but fun set of playstyle changes I had to adapt to on the fly.

Top 5% in both Anarchy Open and Challenges

Lastly, I got gold in both of the places for it. I first got it in Challenges by myself for the random weapon challenge where you're maxed out in one ability. Don't even remember what weapons I got to be honest. I just remember it feeling like I won every single game. The Open one felt like a matter of time since I knew I was strong enough for it and knew plenty of people who were strong enough for it, but finally happened earlier this month during a Clam Blitz rotation with Grushi. Second offhand Grushi mention in the thread lmao

For 2025, I don't have any especially crazy expectations or desires. I'm at a point in the game where I'm pretty content with my skill level. Getting better would be amazing obviously but there are no more nagging thoughts about how "I really wish I could do (x thing)." Going to keep playing and see how far I can continue to push myself, but after this year it'll be under no pressure.
Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
Switch Friend Code
I suppose there's a few that come to mind.

2000 X Power With VUnder

This one I did out of complete spite but became one of the most fun times I've had with X Battles. For context I barely touch X outside of ****ty rotations or when my brain suddenly decides it wants to do it, opting only for Anarchy Open instead, but this one was different. This came about at a time when Putz (yes that guy) decided to flex an X Power of around 1600, which is not great, but as this conversation went on, one of the people said that getting out of TTek 1600-1700 would be impossible and that you should give up. My own X Power?

1547 on Rainmaker.

This could not last. I was not about to demote myself and grind to unlock X again, let alone have a worse X Power than the Putz12 no less, so I went in. Grabbed my Undercover Brella and just went for it. 9 days later and I'm blessed with this.


So yeah, it is possible to escape the TTek slums and I'm still very proud that I managed to do so.

I Played In A Tournament

Low Ink Was A Disaster lmao

But it was really fun and I'm so happy I got to play in the tournament. We did play another month of Low Ink which I never got around to writing about before eventually disbanding sadly. Still, long live the Chumps. Those little smiles always make me happy.

All Stringer 1st kits 5 starred

Coming into 2024 I only had VFlux 5 starred, so this was pretty neat. 5 starred Tri-Stringer in the first 3 months, and when Wellstring dropped I did another weapon marathon and 5 starred it in 20 days. Now the reason I say 1st kits is because if you were to take a look at any of the second kits, you'll realize I've never touched them once. Never picked them up to test them, use them in battle; flat 0 freshness points on them, and it'll stay like that because

- Inkline took my dreams of having a Line Marker Tri-Stringer
- Deco took away my dreams of a REEF-LUX kit I could actually play and dropped the weapon as a result.
- Custom took... nothing actually I just have an irrational hatred for it because of the other 2 stringers and thus will die on the hill that VWell is a better kit than CWell despite what everyone else says.

The 19 Wins In A Row With Snipewriter 5B

This one Undertow Mahi zones rot was easily the most insane one of this year. I just picked up the kit cuz I wanted to do something else with the love of my life and it blessed me with this. A 19 win streak of back to back games. I'm still so disappointed the final game of that rotation ended in a loss but still 19 wins is really insane and I'll cherish that.

Level 300 Reached

Y'know for a person that has logged more than 5k hours into this game I would expect it to be higher but I'm still proud of it.

Side Order: All Palettes Completed Hackless

This was originally gonna be a squidboards post where I talked about this experience and I never got around to it. It was really brutal though and I forever regret the time I swapped out Reefslider for TSD on the Order Dualie run and during the smollusk fight, died because the little jerk reefslider rallied me and I panick popped TSD which made me a sitting duck for that Reefslider to end my run right then and there.

So anyway 2024 was really fun. Can't wait to see how 2025 plays out!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
Switch Friend Code
My list is unimpressive in comparison to most (look at all those win streaks and tournament results!), but I'd like to post regardless.

In approximate chronological order:
  • Completed Octo Expansion with 40 of 80 Mem Cakes. It only took 92 deaths!
  • Completed all Return of the Mammalians stages except After Alterna.
  • First (and only) tournament results: Team Gaoler didn't come last in Slammin' Cup Season 3.
  • Completed Side Order with all Palettes, including a low Hacks Eight run. (Two: 1.5x damage taken and +1 Life.)
  • Does ArtFight 2024 count?
  • I'll be cringe, but I'll be free...
  • Anti-achievement: Earned 0 points in a Splatfest. This is so bad it's funny, otherwise it probably wouldn't have made this list. Thanks, Team Future.
  • Reached a peak of A- in Drizzle Season '24.


Jan 30, 2024
8. Grushi death
Ok number 7 was way to sappy for me as I predicted so for number 8 Grushi and I was in a chase video and in the first minute he dropped off lemuria hub bridge and died while I got a double kill with dynamo lol lmao
Knight has omitted some important context, as this was not my death but simply another step towards my eventual rebirth.

Also I was on Recycled 1 this was all part of the plan >:c


Jan 30, 2024
It's been a strange year for me in general, even in Splatoon.

Becoming a 3000 X power player.
I could count my peaks of 3300 on tent and 3100 on recycled separately, but this is what's notable. 3K players always seemed insane and unreachable to me so getting there, and with brellas no less, makes me pretty happy. And I'm glad I got it again with Recycled so I knew it wasn't a fluke.
It's kind of insane how I never cared for X battle at any point, when they were revealed I couldn't care less, yet here we are.
There's a lot of factors that go into getting 3K but I will say the one that's the most bittersweet to me is that I'm very good at stress and anger management. More like I got really good at it in life. Probably too good, if I'm being honest. But that experience helped me keep my cool to grind this tilt inducing mode, which is a strange pride to have.

Joining Squidboards.
Yeah so I didn't expect this LMAO. I joined this place on a whim, didn't expect much from it, and well...
I'm glad I did, it helped me talk and learn more about Splatoon, interact with the community and meet people I'd genuinely call friends. And overall it made me a lot less scared to reach out to other splatoon players. Instead of agonizing over it now I'm not afraid to look for their discord on sendou ink and reach out if I've got something to say, it's fun!
This year's definitely been the social Splatoon year, which has some odd implications but I'm overall happy with it.

Taking a break from the game.
Now I didn't have much of a choice in doing it, but I'm glad I took that 3 month break, it kind of solidified my interest in Splatoon. I'm glad to be back, all in all.

Participating in my first tournament!
Stars just kind of aligned for this one, but Vidknight talked about our tournament run earlier, which was fun to do! I'm glad I started somewhere, and I can't wait to do more in 2025


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
I don’t have anything major…
But joining squidboards is probably the only good Splatoon related thing. I haven’t been a very social person and my view of people is kinda twisted to where I see everyone as a liar and will put you down.

…but you guys all are really nice. I know I’m never going to meet y’all irl but I’m so happy that I have people I can be openly honest with. I rlly like and appreciate y’all <3

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Spending more time on Squidboards has been cool, definitely more fun to use a dedicated forum than Reddit/Discord. I grew up in the dedicated forum generation, so Squidboards has been a real treat since I remembered I had an account. It's been a pleasure speaking with all of you here this year!

As for Splatoon 3, while I'm already very good at the game, I feel like I have sharpened my skills further this year. Also, I have done a better job at getting my longtime friends to start playing again, with a particularly good memory being having my friend come over to my house for Big Run and hot cocoa in December.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and hoping you all have lots of fun in Splatoon as we move into 2025!


Full Squid
Jun 27, 2024
Several people have already talked about joining squidboards, but I really think this forum (and more specifically its members) have helped me make some real progress in terms of socialising this year. Squidboards was my first social media account, so this is really my first try talking to this many people (i realise this is a fairly small forum, but still). I've had a great time talking with everyone on here, but also, joining a tournament? captaining a team? using voice chat? If you told me at the start of the year that I'd do all that, I'd have... stood quietly and thought about laughing in your face (leet social skills). I'm still not great, but the good thing about starting from a lower point is that it's easy to spot improvement.

Thanks to all of you, and happy new year!


Inkling Cadet
Nov 14, 2023
  • I learnt how to draw mediocre hands. No longer crappy hands, just mediocre.
  • My confidence feels like its improving (but not really)
  • Ive made more friends, socializing still sucks
  • For once im writing a novel im commiting to (im writing it with my friends)
  • Squidboards really just has the best people, its helped me make a lot of friends.
  • Im also really proud of my CRK kingdom, i spend way too much time trying to make it mediocre
Yeah thats all i can think about rn but its mostly avout veing social and yeah, guess im a bit better???


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I meant to post here a while ago but forgot to (oops).

1. Joining Squidboards
A few others have mentioned this already but I do consider joining Squidboards and becoming part of this small community as a real accomplishment. I spent my first year as an active Splatoon player mostly keeping to myself except for two rare instances where I went out of my way to look for a group during Big Run and Eggstra Work and while I didn't have a problem with that back then, I do prefer how things ended up now. This site has given me the opportunity to have real discussions about the game without needing to deal with the usual problems that come with something like Twitter and it's been really fun. Outside of being a way to share and discuss ideas though, I've also met people here that I would genuinely call friends and that's not something I was expecting when I first joined. There's probably more I could add to this section like the fact that my first tournament experience came from @DzNutsKong hosting one here which led me to meeting some really sick players that I still play with but I don't want to take an eternity typing this section so I'll leave it at that.

2. Getting 5 stars on all my main bucket weapons
Pretty self explanatory and not too impressive but I do like that I was able to get 5 stars on not only both Machine kits but also Slosher and nTri which are the main bucket kits I would consider "good". I also just think having four 5 star badges with the tag "Isaac4" is a little funny.

3. Getting Top 5% in Eggstra Work
Another very straight-forward accomplishment but not easy at all to get. I remember really wanting to get top 5% for this specific rotation because Machine was one of the weapons in the comp but the weapon I actually ended up using when I reached my highest egg count was Hydra in a solo match with random teammates.

4. Getting Top 5% in Anarchy
The session where I got top 5% happened around 6 months ago but I still remember it as one of my favorite Splatoon memories since it was around the time I was still getting used to playing regularly with someone else in VC. It was really fun and there's still some iconic matches from those early sessions I had playing with @Grushi (Neo Splash+Slosher was hell). We also had a fun weapon combo with Explo and Recycled so being able to follow up on each other's chip damage felt great.

5. Reaching EVP 999 on the first Bonerattle Arena rotation
Trying to get EVP 999 has been a goal I wanted to achieve for a long time but I never could because I did not enjoy Salmon Run enough to keep grinding it for hours. One failed shift pushes your progress back significantly and it wasn't a process I had fun with at all. The mode in general has other problems with some of their maps (not as bad as PvP though) and the reward system that incentivizes grinding while barely giving the player a crumb in return which really annoys me but I ended up having so much fun playing Bonerattle Arena that I didn't get tired of it even after two hours of grinding for HLM. I spent around a day and a half getting on SR just to grind more and at the end, I barely reached EVP 999 before the rotation changed.

6. Completing all of Side Order
Normally I wouldn't include something like this here as an accomplishment but the process I had to go through to max out every chip type was painful and I would NOT recommend trying it to anyone else. I'm still glad I did it since it helped me get a better understanding of the mode that eventually led me to creating my Side Order kit thread.

7. Competing and winning my first Splatoon tournament (DzNutsKup)
Competing in my first Splatoon tournament and getting to experience that whole process that comes with getting your weapon comp prepared and learning how you and your team can play off each other would have already been sick enough to mention here but also winning that same tournament? Insane achievement that I am genuinely still proud about since this wasn't some easy run to grands, we really did have to do our best to get there and grands was really stressful (wish I was able to stream so I could go back and hear how chaotic vc was). Besides winning the tournament though, I'm also glad that the players I ended up getting paired with were really cool and open to getting practice in to improve as a team as well as getting together again to compete in other events.

8. Getting into the comp scene
This isn't very specific but when I mean "getting into the comp scene" I'm referring to the multiple tournaments I've ended up competing in either with a pickup team or Genesis Wave, which I'm actually a fifth player for now (haven't gotten the chance to announce that yet but here it is is, lol) after @sevenleaf kidnapped me for SFPK3. 🆘 Getting to be more involved in this part of the community has been a fun experience that has helped me appreciate Splatoon 3 more despite all the issues I still have with the game (Bubble). Not sure what's next for me but I'm glad that I was able to get to this point I'm in where I feel like I can call myself a comp player.

9. Generally improving my awareness, mechanics, and coordination
Another very general accomplishment that means a lot to me since I can tell how much I've improved from not just at the start of 2024 but also a few months ago. My mechanical skills were always fine but practicing with a team and playing in tournaments has really helped me push other aspects I've needed to improve on and I know I can be much better than I am right now as well.

10. Increasing my weapon variety with the blaster weapon class
It's ironic that the main weapon I spent almost exclusively playing for two entire seasons was a slosher/blaster hybrid and after moving on to the rest of the buckets, I ended up experimenting with blasters such as S-Blast and CRB which I wouldn't have considered as enough experience to say I can play weapon class as a whole but that also quickly changed after I ended up experimenting some more with RPD, Rapid Deco, and vBlaster. I generally feel comfortable with these weapons now and not having such a limited weapon pool when most of the slosher class has either weak kits or weak mains (Machine) has been really helpful.

11. Grushi Cancel Arc
No context.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
I’m here now so…
1: joining squidboards
Not much to say here other than this is a daily occurrence now and its a lot of fun so yeah
2: 4 staring octobrush
Still havn’t 5 stared nothin so yeah this is nice
3: participated in my first tournament
Yeah my team was a mess for the tournament but it was much fun


Inkling Cadet
Jun 27, 2024
Switch Friend Code
1. finally started playing Splatoon!
S1 and S2 hardly registered for me but for some reason I stumbled upon Splatoon 3 and gave it a shot. been loving how fast paced it is!

2. joined a tourney
I thought this would never happen! I'm really not the competitive sort and this felt like just something the "cool kids" managed to do :D

3. got into anarchy mode finally
and doing surprisingly good by my standards atleast

4. finished the story mode in S3
I have a real hard time finishing games!

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