Dear players that are either blind (Partially, legally, so on) or have synesthesia (Tasting/hearing colors)


Pro Squid
May 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I need your help please. I have an OC who's a blind, synesthetic and autistic. I already got the last part covered but I really want some advice for the other two so I'm not accidentally ableist. This is also partially a OC hyperexplanation if you wanna hear somebody yap, if you're interested in more info ask me!

They are completely blind because they... don't have eyes, and prefer Blasters in battle because their explosions can act as a way to know what's ahead (If it explodes it's safe, if it sparks you're near a wall, if it directs you're near an opponent). Their favorite mode is Zones because the objective rarely moves and there's a clear definitive sound cue for when either team gets the zone. They get around primarily with sound thanks to their great hearing and they're good enough at it that they can work at the Hotlandis in Inkopolis Square with next to no issue.

Their form of synesthesia is being able to taste colors based off of smell and stimulation on their tongue. Their favorite food is spray paint fluid, being a sea bunny they can devour most poisonous substances without being harmed. Their favorite "flavor" is red paint which they describe as a sharp cherry flavor. What they taste is based off of expectation and smell, red only tastes like cherry if they know they're holding a spray can and they can smell the fumes, otherwise it tastes like coffee. Their least favorite "flavor" is sky blue paint, which tastes like "icy mint needles stabbing into my mouth".

If either of these are inaccurate to your experiences or even entirely wrong, please correct me!
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