Play Rough Clan Recruitment


Full Squid
Jan 19, 2017

Hey Squids! So if you clicked this post you were probably looking for a good clan to join. Well you have come to the right place. Let's start by stating the clans status. Right now play rough is a semi-competitive clan, we are looking for more clan members so we can become a competitive clan! Clan Practices are on Saturday at 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00pm Eastern Time and Sunday 10:00 am Pacific time / 1:00pm Eastern Time for about an hour. We are working on callouts but we don't have all of them done yet, every other week we will have callout quizzes. We are also working on game strategies and map form-ups.
Some more clan info:
Wins: 1
Loss: 0
Members: 10
Date created: Janurary 2nd 2017
Clan tag: //

So if you are interested in joining this clan, here are the requirements to contribute,

-You have to be S or S+
-Be able to game chat on google hangouts
-Friend me (NNID: Happydude505)
you can do this by going to your friend list and going to register friend and type in my Nintendo ID (NNID).
-Comment your Nintendo ID (NNID)
-Put the clan tag on (//) we are a squad, show it.
-Tell me your mains
-Rank (S or S+)
-Age (Optional)

That's it. Comment down below if you have any questions and/or want to join.

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