Random Question No. 4: Favorite IRL song

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
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Hello, friends. I am at it again, asking pointless questions to kill time. This thread relates to an earlier question, except this is for REAL LIFE!! (It can still be a splatoon song, if it's really your favorite)
Anyhoo, my "favorite songs" playlist consists of Nirvana, Jimmy Eat World, bo en, d4vd, and Green Day.
Now I will proceed to make a long list of songs form each one that I like the most.
For Nirvana, I probably like "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "About a Girl" the most. I like the bass, guitar and drums more than Kurt's singing :P I have never really enjoyed singing, so therefore I also really like instrumentals, but I haven't listed any of them here quite yet.
Jimmy Eat World is more of a "hobby??" of mine. I don't listen to them too much, but when I do I really enjoy them quite a bit. I enjoy "Pain", "The Middle", and "Hear You Me" the most. Yet again I like the instruments more than the singing.
bo en is something I will listen to at least 3 days out of each week. I get the song "Everyday" stuck in my head for the other 4 days out of that week and then forget and need to listen to it again. I actually like the chorus in most of their songs, but I am also equally in love with the beat of it all.
Time to get emo. dv4d is also something I listen to the majority of the time. I especially have a good time listening to "Here With Me". It just makes me sad in just the right way. Don't ask questions about why I like to be sad. I just do, so yeah :D
Finally, Green Day. I only really like "Basket Case" but the band in general is also incredible.
I thank you for letting me waste 5 minutes of your life. I just like to talk about random crap every now and then, so I appreciate when you tell me your thoughts and opinions. I know I say this every time, but just know that I really mean it. :D
Thank you again :)


Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2023
ok here goes nothing:
  • Perfume: Electro World
  • Fall Out Boy: The Carpal Tunnel Of Love (don't watch the music video if you're squeamish)
  • Katzenjammer: My Own Tune
  • Linkin Park: Faint
  • Zalinki: Knock On Wood
  • Skye Sweetnam: Just The Way I Am
  • The Revivalists: Wish I Knew You
  • Caravan Palace: Leena
this isn't all of my favorites, just the ones that i remember at the moment

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
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Whoa, how did I forget about Linkin Park!?!?!
I used to listen to "Points of Authority" all the time.
You seem to have good taste :)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
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  • "The Other Side of Paradise" by Glass Animals
  • "Poplar St" by... also Glass Animals
  • "Ghost" by RAT!hammock
  • Actually pretty much any song by RAT!hammock and any song on the "How To Be A Human Being" album by Glass Animals is a pretty strong contender for favorites
Unfortunately, I really don't enjoy the direction Glass Animals is taking currently, their newest album... really let me down, and I wasn't a massive fan of the last album either, but I'm not someone who feels like newer music that I don't like takes away my enjoyment of the music I do, so even with my dissatisfaction with modern Glass Animals, they're still definitely one of my favorite bands thanks to both the ZABA and How To Be A Human Being albums. RAT!hammock is, as far as I'm aware, though I'm notoriously very out of touch with these sorts of things, pretty niche, so the only people I know who like them are myself and the friend who introduced me to them, but I quite like their music. Honorable mentions to Jack Stauber, because I've been listening to the OPAL soundtrack lately as well as "It's Alright", "Cupid", and "Baby Hotline" again recently, and then also shoutout to the album "The Mall" by Best Frenz & Joywave, been really enjoying that one too.

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
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  • "The Other Side of Paradise" by Glass Animals
  • "Poplar St" by... also Glass Animals
  • "Ghost" by RAT!hammock
  • Actually pretty much any song by RAT!hammock and any song on the "How To Be A Human Being" album by Glass Animals is a pretty strong contender for favorites
Unfortunately, I really don't enjoy the direction Glass Animals is taking currently, their newest album... really let me down, and I wasn't a massive fan of the last album either, but I'm not someone who feels like newer music that I don't like takes away my enjoyment of the music I do, so even with my dissatisfaction with modern Glass Animals, they're still definitely one of my favorite bands thanks to both the ZABA and How To Be A Human Being albums. RAT!hammock is, as far as I'm aware, though I'm notoriously very out of touch with these sorts of things, pretty niche, so the only people I know who like them are myself and the friend who introduced me to them, but I quite like their music. Honorable mentions to Jack Stauber, because I've been listening to the OPAL soundtrack lately as well as "It's Alright", "Cupid", and "Baby Hotline" again recently, and then also shoutout to the album "The Mall" by Best Frenz & Joywave, been really enjoying that one too.
Oooooh, nice! I also forgot about Glass Animals (Idk what's wrong with me) I'm also a bit disappointed with their new album..
I'm glad to hear that someone else likes "Ghost" as well! I literally don't know anyone who has heard it before, which I thought was utterly UNACCEPTABLE. But I won't get into that right this minute.


Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2023
okay i just remembered more songs i like. i made the artist's names bold for better readability (if that's a word).
  • PUP: Can't Win, How To Live With Yourself
  • Stereophonics: C'est La Vie (my dad played this song in the car for me once)
  • Tearjerker: California Dreaming (i've listened to a few their other songs, but they're from the UK and the lead singer's accent is almost completely incomprehensible to me)
  • Patricia Taxxon: Try the Wine, sd_future
  • Metaroom: S.N.U.F.F.Y, .ANGEL (ENA introduced me to them)
  • Death Cab For Cutie: Here To Forever (i don't listen to their other stuff, i just know this song from the radio)
  • Grrrl Gang: Dream Grrrl, Spunky! (found them from a Bandcamp article)
  • Vundabar: Chop, Oulala, Ash In The Sun, Devil For The Fire (came for Alien Blues, stayed because all of their stuff is super good)
  • Machine Girl: Out By 16, Dead On The Scene (ENA introduced me to them too)
  • Graham Kartna: i like all of his music but i especially like the album ".temp" (ENA also introduced me to him)
  • Gorillaz: Tomorrow Comes Today (don't know how i haven't mentioned them yet, anything from their first album is great)
this list ended up longer than i thought it was gonna be lmao


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
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Oooooh, nice! I also forgot about Glass Animals (Idk what's wrong with me) I'm also a bit disappointed with their new album..
I'm glad to hear that someone else likes "Ghost" as well! I literally don't know anyone who has heard it before, which I thought was utterly UNACCEPTABLE. But I won't get into that right this minute.
HA, FOR REAL? I literally only know one single person who ALSO likes it, and that's the person who originally linked me the song, to which I then proceeded to listen to every RAT!hammock song and then get an... unhealthy... amount of listens to all of them.

For context, that screenshot was taken nine days after my friend first linked me the song. I Like It A Normal Amount. It's Good Music. I Enjoy It.

Also for anyone else who wants other recommendations for RAT!hammock specifically go listen to "Pick Up", "Mud", and "Blood to Bruise". And then listen to the rest of their music because there's not that much and they're all good


Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2023
HA, FOR REAL? I literally only know one single person who ALSO likes it, and that's the person who originally linked me the song, to which I then proceeded to listen to every RAT!hammock song and then get an... unhealthy... amount of listens to all of them.

For context, that screenshot was taken nine days after my friend first linked me the song. I Like It A Normal Amount. It's Good Music. I Enjoy It.

Also for anyone else who wants other recommendations for RAT!hammock specifically go listen to "Pick Up", "Mud", and "Blood to Bruise". And then listen to the rest of their music because there's not that much and they're all good
what genre is RAT!Hammock?


Pro Squid
Jul 30, 2024
Nowhere-in-particular-ville, nowhere
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  1. I love me some good Mark Sparling, he’s just awesome
  2. Probably the guy called Home, he makes some relaxing stuff as well…
  3. My pick for anything with words (I don’t like music with words ) is probably Sabaton…
  4. Barry leitch… he’s amazing


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
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Hello, friends. I am at it again, asking pointless questions to kill time. This thread relates to an earlier question, except this is for REAL LIFE!! (It can still be a splatoon song, if it's really your favorite)
Anyhoo, my "favorite songs" playlist consists of Nirvana, Jimmy Eat World, bo en, d4vd, and Green Day.
Now I will proceed to make a long list of songs form each one that I like the most.
For Nirvana, I probably like "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "About a Girl" the most. I like the bass, guitar and drums more than Kurt's singing :P I have never really enjoyed singing, so therefore I also really like instrumentals, but I haven't listed any of them here quite yet.
Jimmy Eat World is more of a "hobby??" of mine. I don't listen to them too much, but when I do I really enjoy them quite a bit. I enjoy "Pain", "The Middle", and "Hear You Me" the most. Yet again I like the instruments more than the singing.
bo en is something I will listen to at least 3 days out of each week. I get the song "Everyday" stuck in my head for the other 4 days out of that week and then forget and need to listen to it again. I actually like the chorus in most of their songs, but I am also equally in love with the beat of it all.
Time to get emo. dv4d is also something I listen to the majority of the time. I especially have a good time listening to "Here With Me". It just makes me sad in just the right way. Don't ask questions about why I like to be sad. I just do, so yeah :D
Finally, Green Day. I only really like "Basket Case" but the band in general is also incredible.
I thank you for letting me waste 5 minutes of your life. I just like to talk about random crap every now and then, so I appreciate when you tell me your thoughts and opinions. I know I say this every time, but just know that I really mean it. :D
Thank you again :)
Bo En - My Time



King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
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i oughta go through this thread and listen to some of these songs sometime. i've had the "i need new music" itch for a while, to the point where i'm mostly listening to the soma fm indie pop station just to hear new stuff... anyway im indecisive so im gonna give a list like everybody else

  • he'll never love you (HNLY) by hayley kiyoko is my one pop pick in part because hayley's expectations album came out the year i turned 18, graduated high school, went to college, yadda yadda yadda big life changes... so it's a very important album to me even if my tastes drift away from her genre these days. but it's also just a very good song in its own right
  • i mentioned this one on a similar thread but cherry blossom by i met a yeti. very good screaming along in my car song. just in general listen to i met a yeti (also watch their music videos because i love how daisy chamberlin is so clearly having the time of her life singing lyrics that so don't match how happy she seems to be in the videos 🥰)
  • glass beach is a band with two albums that sound nothing like each other but they both slap. off of the first glass beach album i have to go with bedroom community as my favorite, while... it's harder to isolate a single song from plastic death because it's such a 'listen to the whole album' experience to me but i think my favorite is 200
  • i haven't listened to this one in foreeeever because it's not on bandcamp (whyyyyy) but PVRIS's use me album is another 'significant point in my life' album - it came out in 2020 and i was listening to it on repeat while struggling to do school from home. i think the titular track use me is my favorite
  • i really need to listen to meet me @ the altar's newer stuff (similarly to above, they stopped putting music on bandcamp 💔) but one of my favorite songs from them is garden
  • every so often my phone will shuffle in a song by the garages while i'm driving and i'll get sad because blaseball is gone. anyway they have so much music picking a favorite is kinda tough but eyes in the dark is up there
  • i like their newer, more lyrical stuff too but slurred words (hot satan) from (T-T)b's much more lyric-light good talk album is still one of my favorites by them. i found them through another song off that album (slimers, also a very good song) being used the the wiiu homebrew store menu and the 'chiptune but with analog instrumentation + vocals added' might be the thing to get me back into trying to make music myself. don't ask the guitar in the corner of my room when it was last played.
im gonna cut myself off here i just like talking about music


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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I'm a vocal synth squiddie (vocaloids = vocal synths but not all vocal synths = vocaloids kinda deal)

My favorite song ever of all time until the end of timetm is Song of the Eared Robot (耳のあるロボットの唄) by nwp8861
I have a playlist on youtube that consists of just different versions and covers of the song. Youtube wont tell me how long it is, but it currently has 30 songs in it. Could have more, but I am rather picky with what gets added to it. Quality over quantity.

Besides that I also really like Estimated Computer (推定コンピュータ) by Miriko and *Hello, Planet (*ハロー、プラネット。) by sasakure.UK (I recommend listening to the Rewake version as well)

These are all old songs though, of the newer vocal synth songs, my favorites are probably Cadmium Colors by Jamie Paige and Tell Me by CircusP and beat_shobon.

You can probably tell who my favorite vocal synth is based on these, lol

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
Bo En - My Time



I love the instrumental part near the end, it's creepy and cool and AWESOME at the same time. I forgot to list it somehow. I forgot to list a lot of things and I am currently hating myself for doing that.


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
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I love the instrumental part near the end, it's creepy and cool and AWESOME at the same time. I forgot to list it somehow. I forgot to list a lot of things and I am currently hating myself for doing that.
the instrumental is great


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 9, 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom
He / Him
  • White America by Eminem
  • POWER by Kanye West
  • Square Dance by Eminem
  • Don't Push Me by 50 Cent ft Eminem and Lloyd Banks
  • Gorgeous by Kanye west ft Kid Kudi and Raekweon
  • Changes by 2pac
  • Straight Outta Compton by NWA
  • Many Men (Wish Death) by 50 Cent
  • Just Don't Give A **** by Eminem
  • Fellas In Paris by Jay-Z and Kanye West
  • Encore by Jay-Z
  • Dirt Of Your Shoulder by Jay-Z
  • Gangsta Gangster by NWA
  • Role Model by Eminem
  • Mosh by Eminem
  • Hit 'em Up by 2pac
  • Famous by Kanye West
  • All of the Lights by Kanye West
  • Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar
  • Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar
  • Can't Tell Me Nothing my Kanye West
I know this is a long list but my playlist is over 33 hours long.

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