Reworked/Expanded Features


Senior Squid
Oct 16, 2020
Switch Friend Code
Ranked Comps:

-Implement the private battle pre-game HUD for ranked.

-After the game finds all of the players in a ranked lobby, the game will randomly generate the teams as it normally does by calculating the power level; but now you see your team and the enemy team's names on the screen, along with the stage about to be played and both colors of each team.

-Then players can lock in a weapon choice, given 15 seconds or so before the game starts, with the ability to see what their teammates are using.

-Not only can teams see and plan their weapon comps, but now they will be able to see the stage being played like a PB and be a little more prepared opposed to being thrown into a stage half randomly due to the 50/50 odds of stage selection.

Grid Based Spawn System:

-A mix of the old system of being able to drop down into the glass and manually travel, or preselect an area to jump to like in S3, but more similarly to how modern games have pre-determined spawn areas.

-This grid based system still maintains the element of spawners being anticipated if those predict the area the player will land to, just as in S3’s spawn arrow jumps.

-The different areas that players can jump to off respawn when overlooking the stage are just a few points on the team's side of the stage just like in S3. Although, there are a few added arrows the player can travel to now on their side that is a little more farther out, giving more risk/reward.

-You could jump to an area and further advance yourself, but you could also be separating yourself more from your teammates further away at a completely different side than they are. So, dropping down into the glass cylinder may be the better option.

-Players can super jump back to their team’s glass cylinder. It is also the safest option from home base since it is invincible like in S1/S2. It is however the longer way of traveling.

Interactable HUB World for Inkopolis: (can use weapons, swim, etc to interact with environment)

-This is similar to Splatoon story Hero Mode HUB Worlds where they are fully interactable with many different environments and things to do.

-Can ink walls, climb up buildings, find collectibles and explore side missions spread out around the HUB. (think of like Spider-Man side missions but within Inkopolis, hint art from Odyssey, Super Mario Esq trinkets hidden, etc)

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