Well, I had a dream about this a LONG time ago, I can't quite remember how it went but I based a story off the whole thing :>
This was BEFORE sanitization was a thing, which is so funny bc I kinda called it NGL, well the idea at least lol
So, I'm not sure what year it is CANONICALLY during the first game, so think like 2015-2016 era vibes. (All of the characters are freshman in high school. Salem goes to a different school and Ardon as well. They come in later.)
Olivia is the strong and smart one. Redd is secretly agent 3 and also really loves video games. Zo is the kind and artistic one. Scott is the smart one and also really talented, but very sassy. Nigel is the funny one and he loves to make friends. Dede is the girly one and she is obsessed with crime documentaries. Lilac is the serious one and loves her E-liter. Salem is the quiet one and loves to knit. Toby is the sporty one and is really fit. Ardon is secretly agent 8 and is really edgy. Nigel and Olivia are dating and Scott and Redd are cousins.
So the story starts off on winter break, after Christmas. They're all a pretty tight knit group of friends. Zo and Olivia have been friends for many years, and it all kinda starts off from there. They all poke fun at Zo and Redd because they can tell that they obviously like each other and have been kinda shy around each other since they have met. So the whole friend group sorta tries to get them together and all their lives are really great, they hang out all the time and all have a big group text where they talk all the time! They battle together and even have classes together! All is fine and dandy until one day, Zo, Redd and Olivia are walking home from Toby's house at night. A very cold and quiet night, they all goof off and have fun until Redd notices Olivia fell behind somewhere. "Olivia? Are you gonna come out and scare us?" Redd and Zo both chuckled, brushing off the situation until he hears a thud a few feet back coming from the darkness. His look of happiness turns into a look of concern. He steps into the darkness, retracing his steps. "What is it?" said Zo, and all of a sudden Olivia rushes at Zo on all fours, knocking her down. Redd hears a scream and turns around to see Olivia with glowing green eyes on top of her.
that's the premise for the first few chapters!
The friendship dynamics are a bit messy, but they all get along relatively well.
I hope I gave you a good cliff hanger!!! things get INTENSE!