Tilting: What Do You Do?


Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
Switch Friend Code

We've all done it. We've all gotten upset at people, even at our IRL teammates. And it costs us more than it helps us. Yet the unfortunate reality is that a moment of tilting isn't preset (cause life can't be that easy 😒).

But what I can say is tilting is most likely to happen when you have a goal you want to achieve (999, S+X Rank, certain X Power, etc). You think to yourself "I'm doing what I can but it was because of X that I'm failing, etc."

Sp here's my question: what do YOU do when tilting happens? What are some strats you can share with people who tilt?
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
so i'm more of a Sad Tilter than an Angry Tilter. save for sometimes in solo q i tend to get in my head and go oh i'm just inherently bad at this and i should give up when things don't go to plan, rather than getting angry at my teammates/my opponents/the bad maps/the direction of the wind/etc etc. folks who are more of Angry Tilters might not benefit from the same strategies as me, or might, idk

anyway things like taking a break when you catch yourself getting too tilted have been said a million times but often humor can help get me out of my spirals. in particular quoting this classic tumblr post:

helps me get out of it pretty much without fail. something something laughing at myself to take the sting out of it

oh and sometimes i hug my cats and cry


Senior Squid
Jun 4, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I don’t stop tilting. That pinball machine is getting flipped over 🙃

That’s what I like about the two hour rotation system: built-in tilt stopper. I also tend to play late at night, when the literal time of day forces me to stop because I have to go to bed. I guess I look for external forces to stop tilt, because my internal system doesn’t work.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
my tilt is always "man i feel like i did a lot better than my teammates", and regardless of whether that's actually true or not, it's very easy to just switch to a new team if i feel like that's what's stopping me in soloq. if i notice that it's Myself that's lacking, then i don't usually get tilted; i get more motivated than anything, to try to focus on what i'm struggling with.
also i misread this as "Titling" and thought this was a post about like. deciding a splashtag. didn't make much sense to me


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
My tilt is usually me being frustrated about not being able to make plays I can usually perform consistently. Frustration leads to being distracted and missing more chances which just makes me more frustrated.

I deal with it by counting how many matches I lose in a row. If it's more than three, I take a break and check in with myself. I'll then take a longer break if I need it.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
My solution is simply to avoid scenarios where I would end up tilting. Play casually and carelessly, build gear, try to have fun.
When I tilt, things go very wrong, very quickly. Best to be avoided. Worst case scenario, there's always Salmon Run.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2016
another sad tilter here- i've found that switching weapons to something i Know i suck at helps, weirdly enough, bc then i use my brain power trying to learn things abt the weapon instead of using it to be sad. sometimes i'll go on recon and try to look for tiny details in the stages i didn't notice before!
...though most of the time i typically just turn off the game for a bit and have a snack lmao


Full Squid
Jun 27, 2024
I have an extremely silly-looking dynamo build that I switch to when I'm either tilting or too tired to play well (which leads to tilting because I get frustrated at myself for playing worse than usual). My octoling looks ridiculous, so I can't take it as seriously, and I'm convinced that dynamo sucks (idk whether that's still true or not), so I don't worry as much about winning.


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
There was a bit of time where I did 10 push ups for every lose because it was funny to me, but it got a bit stale around the 4th day, it did help a bit though I believe.

Outside of that very specific time frame, I would just stop playing, I like to draw, so I would try to jump into that whenever I got too heated, though there were times where I could not do either well so I would just procrastinate hahhahhah.
You could try to find something you like to see while you play too, I remember loving to use my Mii character with the slime hat because the jiggle physics on it was calming and good to see for me, maybe make your character look at you with a piece of gear that you find funny.

There are times though, where no matter the loss, I would just feel so elevated and excited to play to correct my mistakes, I would play at my best then, and could not get angry because I overcame my shortcomings to the best of my ability.

At the end of the day though I do think you can just log off, if it's start to become too frequent you can try to not play as often and do warm ups on the training room for a while to make sure you are playing at least well, that's more or less what I do.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Midwestern US
Im a mad tilter
I mad tilt when Im angry at teammates/the game

I deal with this in two ways one is by acting more silly because as funny as it sounds silly people don't tilt (watch nikolini for proof)
Just got shot by a RP liter for the 4th time in 2 minutes? well instead of tunnelling in on that liter player and there gear get a bit goofy sure you won't be playing the best you can be but you will be having fun and if your not having fun why bother

Another more serious way I deal with this is by simply realizing that I play hundreds of games of splatoon why would I hold onto a rough match when I can just play another one?
Like if you can't improve enough in the span of that one rough game to make a comeback who cares! you got plenty of games ahead of you to improve!

And one last thing when you tilt never EVER take it outside of the game if the game is effecting your overall mood you need to take a break or get your mind on something else because NOBODY wants to be around somebody whose temper is heightend because of a video game of all things (I know this from personal experience on both sides)
Don't let this game destroy you


Full Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Neo Jersey, US
But what I can say is tilting is most likely to happen when you have a goal you want to achieve (999, S+X Rank, certain X Power, etc). You think to yourself "I'm doing what I can but it was because of X that I'm failing, etc."
Unfortunately that’s so freaking true. I placed a goal for myself to get an S+ badge and I don’t even want to get into how much trouble it caused. Literally almost made me stop playing. At the worst times I was just doing one round of SR for my daily win and not playing anything else.

But it is weird. I feel like when playing any game, if I end up liking it, I like to set goals for myself. Like got I sucked into Pokémon and I liked it, so I wanted to dex it. Or how I 100%-ed Mario Odyssey. For splatoon specifically, I wanted to 5-star liter and after that get at least 4 stars on vCharger. I did it and felt satisfied.
I guess the difference between these examples and wanting S+ is that the examples are more oriented towards grind and S+ is more random, therefore a lot less predictable.
(I’ve also heard that the ranking system in splat3 prioritises grinding too instead of just being good at the game like splat 1,2 but that’s a different can of worms)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Another mad tilter here, when I'm trying to seriously 5-star a weapon, it seems that the game will go out of its way to bring the the worst possible matchup for my team every single match. I'm trying to finish 5-starring the Splatana Wiper so that I can move on to playing one of my other games so that I can treat Splatoon 3 as the secondary game again.

Losing many matches in a row would only postpone that. So yes, off course I get angry. What makes me feel better is seeing videos of other people raging at other games, not only is it funny, it's also very relatable to my own situation.

But I'm never one to give up on something I know I can accomplish, that Splatana Wiper will be 5-starred whether the game likes it or not.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
I'm definitely more on the inward/sad/self-blaming side when it comes to tilting. I tend to be very improvement-oriented while I'm playing (one of these days I will break my lifetime streak of always being the weakest player in all my gaming circles aaaaaaaaa), and that leads me to focus pretty exclusively on what I'm doing wrong rather than what other players are doing. Most of the time it's productive; I can focus on those things very logically as problems to solve and it's so rewarding when it pays off. As long as I keep my focus on correcting my actions instead of correcting something that's innately wrong or broken about myself, I'm fine. But the self-doubt/frustration still finds its way in. Probably the primary trigger for it when I'm playing alone is watching myself make the same mistake multiple times in a row. My inner critic can be vicious and doesn't have a whole lot of patience for my own nonsense. The second most likely trigger is getting into one too many situations where I feel helpless, like sometimes those long drawn out games where you're just fighting tooth and nail (beak and tentacle?) just to barely stop the other team from KOing and it feels like nothing that you're trying is working and you can't even find time to take a breath and make a plan because they're throwing bombs and strikes at your spawn. While cognitively I know that it's just a flaw of matchmaking, I guess when my lizard brain feels constantly under attack it reacts regardless of circumstance.

At that point there's two things I can try. If I'm not too far gone I can usually sway control back over to my left brain by re-focusing on what tangible changes I can look to make. Usually pausing to go over replays helps with this because luring my brain back into analytical mode shifts focus away from self-blame and gives me something to work with; that helps nullify the helpless feelings a lot.

Sometimes though I'm just too destabilized to rally myself though and at that point I just have to stop and go listen to angsty music and vent-journal and do whatever the pity-party calls for just to get it out of my system. What's critical, I find, is that I actually make an active effort to do this and not just take a break and try to ignore it. I figure it's like if you ignore or chastise a kid for crying about being scared/anxious they're not going to stop being scared/anxious (they might eventually quiet down but they'll internalize the trauma which is like, worse). So on some level it's like I kind of need to just sit down with my inner child and talk about what's going on and why we're sad and let us be sad until things don't feel as raw anymore. That's the most effective way I've found to deal with it. When I don't take time to do this I feel like the sad/frustrated feelings can just linger and in the worst cases I can stay on edge for days or weeks at a time where it doesn't take much going wrong for me to rapidly devolve into a mess (and even though I know this I still don't always do it because I feel like there's just never enough time but I usually just end up wasting more time being sad if I don't, agh).

Anyway, at least when I'm playing in a group it's different, because while my self-consciousness/self-doubt is magnified x10 (x100 if other people in the group are audibly unhappy but at least that's relatively uncommon), it also takes a lot more of it before it starts to bother me. I think a large part of it is just that when I'm focused on interacting with others I'm less in my own head and my emotions don't have any time to really spiral in on themselves; I can shake them off more easily. That's not to say spiraling doesn't happen, but I'm more armored against it in general. Sometimes, especially during high-stress sessions or playing sets with stakes, I'll experience a sort of delayed effect where I don't feel any self-judgement/frustration about how poorly I did until long after the play session. (I guess this is the same thing that happens in any sort of crisis situation that requires immediate attention; I'm too busy dealing with the situation to have any feelings about it until after it's over, hah). So at least that's kind of convenient, and means I can generally play a lot longer in a single stretch with a group than I can play alone, provided the vibes are good.


Trans Bird Trans Bird 🏳‍⚧️
Jan 30, 2024
Midwest USA
Switch Friend Code
A rule I try to follow as religiously as possible - as soon as I lose 3 games in a row, I hop off and do something else.

Ideally something generally productive like doing dishes, laundry, cleaning mh room up, etc, cause thats an easy way to reset your mental state back into a more neutral/positive one, and on the plus side, you did something productive too!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
Switch Friend Code
I am writing this as I cool off from a particularly harrowing Salmon Run session. (Ever drop two pay grades in one hour? I normally don't.) I reached points where I could hear myself breathing between whispered curses at my tiny TV screen. A reasonable person would drop their controller and cut their losses, right? Nope! Couldn't resist the allure of a two-star Octavio Dome after I impulse chunked the really nice one I found earlier this week. I throw myself at problems regardless of whether it's the wise thing to do. Don't be. Cool off, step back, stop whisper-yelling at randos who probably don't share a language with you.

Edit: I just remembered my Rainmaker disaster games from earlier today. I'm bad at Splatoon. I haven't even been playing for a year, so I don't yet have the awareness to know if I'm doing something horribly wrong, or even if the other players are (specific amount) better than me. I find not knowing how to improve just as frustrating as losing. Trying to brute force that coveted daily W makes it even worse most of the time. That doesn't stop me from doing that anyway.
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Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
i meant to respond to this sooner my bad
  • If you have any bad habits with when and how much you eat or sleep, improving those can help. Even if you get your 8 hours of sleep you can still be far enough off from your body's intended circadian rhythm to the point where it still causes problems.
  • I technically can't prove this but for me it's felt like being more optimistic outside of the game has helped me be more understanding when things go wrong ingame, either from my end or from my team's. If I miss an easy shot it's way easier to remind myself that even top players miss easy shots. Try complimenting what you do more often even if it's hard to and try giving the people you play with the benefit of the doubt no matter how little they contribute. The state of your mental being better everywhere else in your life can help a lot.
  • Most people will say to "take a break if you're tilted" but this kind of dodges the issue. When I personally get tilted it's hard for me to think about anything except what's happening in the moment so I genuinely forget that I should take a break. It sounds stupid but if you can recognize when you're about to tilt, then that's the time to take a step back.
  • Also, knowing how to take a break can be extremely important. Sometimes for me just closing my eyes, muting my audio / vc, and doing some deep breathing for like a full minute can help. If you're burnt out on a game or have a deeper reason to being tilted though then that might not fix it. Try taking as long as you think you need, and even when things are "better," add a bit more time even after that to make sure you're ready to go again. Sometimes these breaks can be weeks long or sometimes they can just be ten minutes.
Jan 31, 2024
Land of Whispers and Ink
Switch Friend Code
Also kind of a sad tilter here - I'd like to try the competitive modes et al, but every time the floor has gotten completely mopped with me and that takes a lot of the wind out of my sails. I've played TC maybe twice? And none of the other modes bc they weren't on rotation when I tried. There's not much of an incentive to go back since even though I am literally the lowest rank possible I know I'm going to lose no matter what, so why bother? Maybe that'll change if/when I get some of my friends to play with me but I'm not holding my breath lol.

I also tend to get more agitated-tilted when I can feel the tryhard-y vibes coming off of the other players or sometimes when I try and talk abt funny woomy squid game but everyone's being kind of a downer about it. It's hard to share my enthusiasm when it seems like the other hardcore splat fans are only interested in talking about how splat 3 sucks lol.

For now I try and keep it super casual and either play PvE in Salmon Run or goof around in Turf War, experimenting w/ different weapons and jamming to the soundtrack. I'm FINALLY playing Side Order (it came out around the same time that splatoon left my hyperfixation rotation) and my one wish for splat 4 is that goofing around in singleplayer also/at least gave you catalog exp (if they bring back the catalogs, anyway) because sometimes I don't want to grind it out in multiplayer for several hours lol.


Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
Switch Friend Code
I have an extremely silly-looking dynamo build that I switch to when I'm either tilting or too tired to play well (which leads to tilting because I get frustrated at myself for playing worse than usual). My octoling looks ridiculous, so I can't take it as seriously, and I'm convinced that dynamo sucks (idk whether that's still true or not), so I don't worry as much about winning.
Share this build lol. But @sevenleaf said humor helps so having a funny build may be a good outlet for said humor.

There was a bit of time where I did 10 push ups for every lose because it was funny to me, but it got a bit stale around the 4th day, it did help a bit though I believe.

Outside of that very specific time frame, I would just stop playing, I like to draw, so I would try to jump into that whenever I got too heated, though there were times where I could not do either well so I would just procrastinate hahhahhah.
You could try to find something you like to see while you play too, I remember loving to use my Mii character with the slime hat because the jiggle physics on it was calming and good to see for me, maybe make your character look at you with a piece of gear that you find funny.

There are times though, where no matter the loss, I would just feel so elevated and excited to play to correct my mistakes, I would play at my best then, and could not get angry because I overcame my shortcomings to the best of my ability.

At the end of the day though I do think you can just log off, if it's start to become too frequent you can try to not play as often and do warm ups on the training room for a while to make sure you are playing at least well, that's more or less what I do.
Go doing something else is a good way. Someone suggested Salmon Running too which I use for tilts.


Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
Switch Friend Code
Don't let this game destroy you
It already did xD

(I’ve also heard that the ranking system in splat3 prioritises grinding too instead of just being good at the game like splat 1,2 but that’s a different can of worms)
Oh? Where did you hear this from? Like the game prioritizes grinding as a means of matchmaking?

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