Kinda Nuts
Splatoon 3 has a lot of weapons. Like, A LOT. It's starting to get to the point where quite a few of Splatoon 3's new ideas have felt like they're treading on older ideas, with prime examples being Painbrush compared to Dynamo Roller and Snipewriter compared to the Bamboozler. Even still it feels like there are a lot of things that the developers have not tried for one reason or another. There's not a thread for this yet to my knowledge, so why not change that?
There will probably be more from me later, but I'll start this thread out with an idea I mentioned somewhere else on this forum a long time ago: a non-Shooter weapon with more strengths than usual balanced by a weakness of low accuracy. Starting this thread out with a spicier one that most people won't like, but hear me out on this. In games where RNG is a bigger factor than this one, a lot of what makes a good player is defined by risk management. You could absolutely throw yourself into a situation guns a-blazing and hope that whatever you're planning works out but you're going to have plenty of games where you crash and burn if you play like this. The best players prepare for everything to go wrong with RNG and play in such a way that either minimizes the chance RNG screws you over or minimizes the impact bad RNG will have on you. It takes a very unique skillset that you don't really see get utilized in this game.
Splatoon 3 has already tried this with some Shooters but I don't think most of them handle it super well. The .96 Gal is genuinely an awesome weapon, but everything else that has bad RNG only serves to push the weapon into a more paint-heavy playstyle that avoids fighting at all costs...except for the .52 Gal, which is an overtuned mess that doesn't even have that bad of RNG for how much of a point against the weapon it is. If you want something that meets this concept then you basically only have the .96 Gal. There are technically other weapons with shot accuracy issues, but it's limited to only Blasters and Dualies and only in the air, which gives an easy way to avoid this of "just stay grounded / run Intensify Action lmao." Those are more meant to discourage jumping shots with those weapons than to actually play into what I'm talking about here.
And what if you don't like Shooters, or something else about .96? Imagine if they could make one a bit stronger by virtue of not having a Splash Wall on any of its kits? What if they made it an AoE weapon like a Blaster or Slosher? Again, this specifically is grounded accuracy too so Range Blaster having bad accuracy only if it jumps doesn't count for this. I think those last two in particular are great for usually not having the best paint output which I'd hope this weapon would have as well to naturally deter it from being a paintbot.
Otherwise, this would need to have midline range at the absolute minimum. There would be no way for this weapon to outcompete a Carbon Roller or a .52 Gal unless it were somehow even stronger than those at their respective range values which is not ideal. Beyond that there's a lot of room to work with what weapon class or whatever else. It's not too farfetched to imagine giving exactly one weapon in a class shot RNG when there are so many other weapons within classes that have their own unique mechanics too.
Either way, what's a weapon you'd want to see that you don't think this game has covered already? Anything more specific or simpler and more broad?
Splatoon 3 has a lot of weapons. Like, A LOT. It's starting to get to the point where quite a few of Splatoon 3's new ideas have felt like they're treading on older ideas, with prime examples being Painbrush compared to Dynamo Roller and Snipewriter compared to the Bamboozler. Even still it feels like there are a lot of things that the developers have not tried for one reason or another. There's not a thread for this yet to my knowledge, so why not change that?
There will probably be more from me later, but I'll start this thread out with an idea I mentioned somewhere else on this forum a long time ago: a non-Shooter weapon with more strengths than usual balanced by a weakness of low accuracy. Starting this thread out with a spicier one that most people won't like, but hear me out on this. In games where RNG is a bigger factor than this one, a lot of what makes a good player is defined by risk management. You could absolutely throw yourself into a situation guns a-blazing and hope that whatever you're planning works out but you're going to have plenty of games where you crash and burn if you play like this. The best players prepare for everything to go wrong with RNG and play in such a way that either minimizes the chance RNG screws you over or minimizes the impact bad RNG will have on you. It takes a very unique skillset that you don't really see get utilized in this game.
Splatoon 3 has already tried this with some Shooters but I don't think most of them handle it super well. The .96 Gal is genuinely an awesome weapon, but everything else that has bad RNG only serves to push the weapon into a more paint-heavy playstyle that avoids fighting at all costs...except for the .52 Gal, which is an overtuned mess that doesn't even have that bad of RNG for how much of a point against the weapon it is. If you want something that meets this concept then you basically only have the .96 Gal. There are technically other weapons with shot accuracy issues, but it's limited to only Blasters and Dualies and only in the air, which gives an easy way to avoid this of "just stay grounded / run Intensify Action lmao." Those are more meant to discourage jumping shots with those weapons than to actually play into what I'm talking about here.
And what if you don't like Shooters, or something else about .96? Imagine if they could make one a bit stronger by virtue of not having a Splash Wall on any of its kits? What if they made it an AoE weapon like a Blaster or Slosher? Again, this specifically is grounded accuracy too so Range Blaster having bad accuracy only if it jumps doesn't count for this. I think those last two in particular are great for usually not having the best paint output which I'd hope this weapon would have as well to naturally deter it from being a paintbot.
Otherwise, this would need to have midline range at the absolute minimum. There would be no way for this weapon to outcompete a Carbon Roller or a .52 Gal unless it were somehow even stronger than those at their respective range values which is not ideal. Beyond that there's a lot of room to work with what weapon class or whatever else. It's not too farfetched to imagine giving exactly one weapon in a class shot RNG when there are so many other weapons within classes that have their own unique mechanics too.
Either way, what's a weapon you'd want to see that you don't think this game has covered already? Anything more specific or simpler and more broad?