How to practice Flick-Snipes

How to practice Flick-Snipes

Hello all, I am Citrus. I have recently been practicing doing a very simple, yet helpful tech, Flick Sniping. Any experienced charger user most likely knows of this move - It is when you hide your laser sight and quickly Flick it to the enemy, and surprise snipe your opponent. This tech is very helpful for any charger user.
Now, I would like to share how I practice this tech, and how to get better at it.

First off, I recommend first starting with a Squiffer weapon. I find Flick shots to be easiest with them.

I recommend getting in this position, and practicing the tech on these large dummies.

Because of their larger size, they are much easier to hit. Do this for a little while.

After you get used to the large dummies, move on to the Inkling-sized ones. This position is great for Squiffers.

This one may take a minute to get used to, but you'll get it down pretty well in just a few minutes.

Now that you have it down good with a Squiffer, move on to a normal Splat Charger, such as the Splatterscope.

Practice on the large dummies once again, same position. It doesn't take long to get used to the Splat Charger or Splatterscope.

For the small dummies, go and practice on these 2 dummies from the starting position of the test room. This is to accommodate for the longer range.

After you're good with a Splat Charger, finally move on to an E-Liter.

For the large dummies, I recommend using this position, due to the amazing range of an E-Liter. This weapon may take more getting used to.

Once again, use the test room's starting position to practice on the small dummies. Now practice on the far back dummy, too.

Hooray! By now, you should be pretty good at Flick-Sniping! Now try to implement this into a match, and with some experience, you should be one tricky sniper!

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i have just been getting better with several thing specifically chargers and gals, but this is something i look forward to being able to pull this off
This is honestly a thing I need to practice, and your use of pictures is very good for detailing just how to practice it. Very well done!
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