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Weapon Ranking For Turf War

Some people argue that the Aerospray RG is the best weapon in turf wars. When u try it out u notice the bad damage is made up by far with the best fire rate in the game but one of the worst ranges I'll list the top 3 weapons in turf war right now to get this out of the way. Sploosh-O-Matic then Aerospray MG and lastly, Dual Squelcher The main thing to keep in mind is that the dual Squelcher has a worse range and damage than the Jet Squelcher. But there is a big change in the horrific fire rate that puts it above. Also I have a little technique to putting guns called the FireRate to FrameDamage Kill Time Ratio Now what is it. It's basically the overall TIME it takes to KILL Frame by frame... As you know one second equals 60 frames in this game as a average. remember the only thing altered in the Jet Squelcher were things that are used to kill (Damage) and shoot faster (Fire Rate). Basically I did the calculations and it takes a Jet Squelcher over 1.2~ seconds more to kill. Which I know ur thinking this: "seems like not a lot.. and besides if the Jet Squelcher does more damage when hitting then it will leave a bigger mark on opponents... Also you said the only things altered were damage and fire rate but the range is lower in the Dual Squelcher. the range is affected by 2 numeric digits that is a 10/25 of the dotted lines in the training distance apart. Which is basically less than half of it which is basically super small. So speaking in this matter the difference has practically no difference in the weapon as a whole unless your facing another Jet Squelcher
Also the damage may be the better one on to kill is not it takes the same amount of hits to kill with the dual or the jet... Plus if you ever played SSB4 u know how fully charging the smash attack is punishable but is more powerful than most attacks... Well did you know that that attack takes precisely 1 second to charge. That's right, a second is a lot longer than it seems. So now does the amount of time which the 1.2 seconds over. Now consider that what the Dual Squelcher has is ~6.5 and now you should realise that the Jet Squelcher has over double the time to kill than the Dual Squelcher Which means the best choice is Dual Squelcher... Well at least for 3rd place that is! (Phew that took a while for one weapon... Oh and it is ranking over RG cuz well... You will see).

Ps. REMEMBER TURF WAR IS DIFFERENT THAN RANKED... If u want another opinion for weapons for ranked be sure to ask in comments I'll be happy to :)!

Now this is where I'm going to get hate ... The RG is worse than the MG in every way possible that you can possibly process in that 10% usable brain of yours (Tbh if we really used only 10% of our brain... We would be almost as dumb as sheep xD) Stat wise sure, they are the same... But the sub and special place a huge roll on the decision some people believe RG is better because it has "better special" but would u like to know is that that... Along with the kracken .... And the Killer wail.... Even the bubbler .... Is WORSE than the Inkzooka... (There should be no argument that the seekers better than ink mine in most cases but to clarify they both suck if u want to know why just ask in comments) here is why kracken is bad...

#1 It can be pinballed by any rapid fire gun leaving it unable to move depending.
#2 Bad Usage Time
#3 A short spread area and has no range (speed kinda makes up for range but whatever)
#4 once it runs out u r susceptible to EVERYTHING and if it runs out before you kill your prey he will be ur new predator and will love that kracken stew... Mmmmmm....

Next is bubbler
#1 Also can be pinballed (although you can shoot out of it)
#2 causes team to huddle just for a like... 6 seconds of invulnerability which once it runs out ... Your huddled up to be dead together.
#3 as kind of mentioned in 2 .... ONLY 6 seconds assuming your not late to join in for the STUPID BUBBLE... I mean man...

Next is why the inkstrike is bad.
#1 it is easily seen coming....
#2 unless ur on ranked which we are only talking about turf wars atm it is useless for your team unless you already have like all the map and need to cover a like 60 point worth spot at the beginning whie ur camping there base which is SUPER SITUATIONAL. Like I mean srsly situational ...
#3 it is easily covered up unless it's the last 8 seconds of the match by the other team.
#4 U r so slow when using it and slow = death basically.
#5 Rarely kills enimies unless there cornered in it

Lastly Killer Wail
#1 easily avoidable and seen before it kills
#2 only kills people who are cornered or are trapped in some way by players or walls or ETC.
#3 super slow when holding

Now here's what the Inkzooka cover about all those specials


(I also have realised and gotten a lot of hate about Inkstrike not being that bad... I'm not saying it's bad I'm saying it's not better so PLS NO MORE HATE ... Also I'm beginning to like the bubbler but killer wail is still bad xD! One more thing, I also would like to mention the reason echolocator isn't on this is because it's better than Inkzooka so yeah. But it's not really on any good weapons but dual Squelcher so I didn't think it's necessary).

I mean srsly it has range speed a long duration however it has a narrow path like the kracken but u have like up to 13 shots... AND AFTER U HAVE FULL INK the REAL only weakness is if u can't see an enemy sneaking up on u or they have more height than UR GIANT TORNADO GUN (Which rarely happens) also if u see someone before u can react it won't consume all of ur special it basically leaves u at the same as if u died and it was full ... With that out of the way think about this if u are questioning the RG or MG ... "just because it looks better and everybody's using it also the bubbler you can't die with so no refreshing. Also u may not like the MG because it's not accurate or ranged. Well: Less Accuracy = Wider Ink Spread Area and Goal of Splatoon = Have the Wider Ink Spread Area.... Ummm hello.... Killing is not the important part and even if it was the range wouldn't matter as much because u can cover more turf which means sneak up in more turf and surprise them from close ... Which means more effective shots with accuracy than using range.

Anyway now for why the spoosh-o-matic is better than the MG ... Ok so the sub and special suck .... Well the special anyway but.... Who needs a killing special with infinite range better than a gun with no range at all ... everybody ... Sure the sub sucks... Or does it.... If u can put one in the middle one at spawn - mid area and sneak one near a hallway ur protecting in there base ... U can get the sneak on ur opponents... And with ur main weapon of course which has high damage and high fire rate making its FireRate to FrameDamage Ratio time to ... Drum roll please.... 0.4 seconds the Aerospray is .65 seconds and yes... I KNOW THE GOAL IS NOT KILLING... But it still has worse accuracy than the aerospray... How is that good? As I mentioned earlier it has a wider ink coverage area which means it covers like a 1 line to another line area in the training mode in one glob of ink shot! This makes Squid Hopping and Surprising ur opponent easy ... SO EZ in fact it actually may have technically more range than Aerospray EVEN THO IT DOESNT SAY THAT... So how is that??? Well it has better range width wise and about the same Length wise but it's a bit less length also it can shoot up walls quite EZ and stealth squid to surprise foe is easier with this 3 shot kill gun instead of 5... It's easiest to tell the FireRate to FrameDamage Kill Ratio Time with the biggest thing in the training the Green Boss Dummy with that you can easily see it's much quicker than Aerospray at killing but remember that is equal to a double defense up thing so basically divide it by 2 to get the full defends up and divide it by 4 to get the no defense up which equals 3 shots as well as the full defense up... So there u have it... My top 3 gun choices for Splatoon are clarified now here's the top 10 in my opinion for turf wars which I will not go into details unless asked for a specific gun detail

1. Sploosh-O-Matic
2. Aerospray MG
3. Dual Squelcher
4. Tentatek Splattershot
5. Aerospray RG
6. Carbon Roller
7. .52 Gal
8. E-liter 3K
9. Jet Squelcher
10. Classic Squiffer

(A lot of people have been saying Inkbrush is valuable in the top 10 on my other guide.... I would rate the Inkbrush types is ranged from 11-13 basically Inkbrush Nouveau Is 11 and Inkbrush is 12 and OctoBrush is 13).

PS. I hope you guys enjoyed and remember that most of this is facts but it is my opinion of weapons... Do what is best for you to play as and try out Every single weapon in the game if u get = OR > 6 Kills and cover 800+ Turf (No win bonus) And have = OR < 4 deaths then try to do the same 3 times in a row whatever weapons do this then work out what you like from there.

Overall time to think and type = 1.2731 Hours

Edit: I wrote this a while ago so the things in it may not be up to speed like new weapons etc.
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I feel like this is just you trying to justify your weapon Choice instead of doing anything helpful. This game is balanced and there is no real "best weapon" and if there was one it wouldn't have such terrible range and accuracy. Also the killer wail is good, it should be used to cut off opponents.
From what I've seen of other players, very few MGs are better than a good MG. I haven't seen many good squiffers, much less great squiffers, and the brushes are by far the best, with a good inkbrush far higher than anything else. It seems like this is what the author felt after playing around a little, not after a ton of practice and thorough testing, but that could be just me. The arguement for why the inkzooka is better than the inkstrike is based mostly on a pvp focus, which is not how turf war should be played. The apparent reason for the inkstrike being bad is it "Rarely kills enimies", which is not the goal of turf war. Overall, it's not terrible, but seems focused on pvp, rather than sheer inking.
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