Recent content by 《Я.KABBAGE


    Looking for a div 5/6 team to sub for FA post below

    Looking to gain experience at a level higher than mine to get better Timezone est Ign:KABBAGE Availability ask it varies Weapons letras, enperries Pocket heavy deco Playstyle slayer/skirmisher/backline Ranks s+/x peak 2217.1 takaroka Age 15 Experience grizzco rejects Results top 8 div...

    Let's test this theory answer this question why does double tent tetras and zap work so well on...

    Let's test this theory answer this question why does double tent tetras and zap work so well on certain zones map

    Any div 7-8 teams looking for scrim partners? Dm me @ splatgpt on discord

    Sooo... our team practices Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays... mostly due to mine and a teammates availability would a weekend work?

    100% a div 4 neo sploosh

    100% a div 4 neo sploosh



    Any div 4+ player willing to coach my team?

    We are trying to push a non Meta comp but not really off meta either (we play what we r good at so if meta it's meta if not it's not we don't care) We are mainly struggling with normal things for a new team to struggle with so coordination working together etc. As we only formed a week ago Our...

    Any div 4+ player willing to coach my team?

    We are a div 7/8 team and would very much appreciate it if you coached us :3

    Any div 6-5 teams willing to accept a div 7 sub?

    Looking to gain higher level experience I main tetras and enperries

    Any div 5-6 teams looking for a sub?

    Im a div 7 tetras player looking to increase my skill faster through higher level teams
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