Recent content by 2bdamned

  1. 2bdamned

    why does splatoon give us the ones we don’t want </3

    why does splatoon give us the ones we don’t want </3
  2. 2bdamned

    i need the N-ZAP user title. one day i'll get you...

    i need the N-ZAP user title. one day i'll get you...
  3. 2bdamned

    Origin of your username/in game name?

    "2B" is just short for 2BDamned which is. a guy from Madness Combat. picture of me i guess
  4. 2bdamned

    good luck!

    good luck!
  5. 2bdamned

    sometimes i try to anyway and it's really embarrassing...

    sometimes i try to anyway and it's really embarrassing...
  6. 2bdamned


  7. 2bdamned

    black cat is keeping the other one in a headlock /j [they are both so cute i love them]

    black cat is keeping the other one in a headlock /j [they are both so cute i love them]
  8. 2bdamned

    uh... "find pretty womans from your city for night"....??????? i am mildly concerned ... please...

    uh... "find pretty womans from your city for night"....??????? i am mildly concerned ... please tell me i'm not the only one seeing that post...
  9. 2bdamned

    so awesome!!! congrats!!

    so awesome!!! congrats!!
  10. 2bdamned

    oh god, hope you’re alright??

    oh god, hope you’re alright??
  11. 2bdamned

    Post your BIG big run high scores here

    I WISH I got that many silver scales. I got a bunch of bronze most of the time. So my total silver scales are currently at... 28..... Black Slopsuit here I come!!! .......In about 72 silver scales B|
  12. 2bdamned

    what if they are trans also

    what if they are trans also
  13. 2bdamned

    Does anyone want a speech icon for their character?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH HE LOOKS SUPER COOL!!!! This is awesome!!!
  14. 2bdamned

    Does anyone want a speech icon for their character?

    Oops sorry, didn't see your reply here!! Sure thing, thanks so much!
  15. 2bdamned

    Art requests anyone?

    Thank you! Let me know if I can draw you something back!!
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