Recent content by Ambunny

  1. Ambunny

    It's not really open or ready yet, sorry! I'm waiting on some tryout results, if I don't get...

    It's not really open or ready yet, sorry! I'm waiting on some tryout results, if I don't get into some competitive teams I'm applying for, I'm going to make my own :D
  2. Ambunny

    Aww, thank you so much!! ♥

    Aww, thank you so much!! ♥
  3. Ambunny

    With the updates stopping around January, do you think the content we have is worth the $60?

    Definitely worth the cost, and more. I bought a second wii u and copy just for playing with my roommate. And a game capture device and nice headset for recording and squadding, making the grand total of $ I put into this single game well over $300. And it's still worth it, I have so much fun...
  4. Ambunny

    What sensitivity do you play on?

    I use the maximum +5 for all weapons. I have very steady hands (also an artist) so it isn't jerky or anything, and it helps with being less taxing on the wrists. As a (carbon) roller main, it's important to be able to do a quick 360 splat to surprise trade with someone who thinks they're...
  5. Ambunny

    In your opinion: Map and Mode combos that make you go "Nope."

    I like all the maps and modes, but for some reason lately Piranha Pit on any ranked mode gives me trouble. The map feels too "open" somehow, and nearly every match I've played has multiple camping e-liters or dynamos that end up with huge k/d ratios. The conveyors also make it harder to dodge...
  6. Ambunny

    Which weapon makes you salty

    Definitely blasters (esp Luna) on TC the most. I can't hardly ever escape in time after the first nondirect hit before the second one pops me :C It's especially frustrating going up against a team of 2 or more blasters and all of their blast offspray crosses and you get insta-killed despite not...
  7. Ambunny

    Someone please tell me these aren't the right odds

    The odds are low, but like others have said, ordering triple shiny gear is probably what makes it appear most often! Save scumming is a thing too. Despite that, I've seen some really neat unorderable rolls that were either a LOT of scumming, or maybe just plain lucky--it happens, I've witnessed...
  8. Ambunny

    Seabagging general

    I only do it in squid parties or with friends nowadays. I used to do it in the early days when Splatoon first came out, and only if I was in a heated 1v1 with someone and finally got the best of them, in sort of a happy dance "yay I did it" sort of fashion. But after learning some people saw it...
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