Recent content by BedBison

  1. BedBison

    Stages you dislike?

    The only map I don't like is Arowana Mall. I guess I just hate the way the whole map is designed. It's also impossible for a team to make a comeback, it seems. After your team is down it's pretty much over.
  2. BedBison

    What is going on in your life around May 29th?

    I have school on may 29th but I'll get the game when it comes out and play it all weekend. And I get out of school for summer like a week after Splatoon comes out so that's even better.
  3. BedBison

    Co-op mode?

    So I was curious if anyone thinks we will/should get a Co-Op mode? And if we do, what do you think it should be? My idea is a wave-based thing where you team up and battle enemy as long as you can. Maybe the campaign could be Co-op too?
  4. BedBison

    What other modes do you expect?

    I'd like to see a Capture the Leader type mode, like capture the flag but you have to capture a actual player and the rest of the team tries to protect that person.
  5. BedBison

    Splatoon amiibo!

    I've opted to not dive into the world of Amiibo because I don't want to deal with the hassle of actually obtaining them, but maybe I'll pick up sum Splatoon ones in the future if they aren't rare (which they probably will be).
  6. BedBison

    Vanilla mode?

    Even if they don't include this in the game this seems like something they could add in an update so if it's not there at launch there may still be hope if there's enough outcry.
  7. BedBison

    Splatoon Direct

    I don't know why they announced this direct a week ahead of time, usually it's only a day. Anyways, they've already sold me on the game so what they show doesn't really matter much, but I hope they show a third mode aside from single player and multilayer. Ideally I'd like to see a Co-Op mode...
  8. BedBison

    What are some of your favorite video games of all time?

    Not much variety since I mostly just play shooters, JRPGs, and platformers, but here's a few: -Final Fantasy VI -Persona 4 Golden -Pokemon Black/White -Rayman Origins -Rayman Legends -Super Mario World -Fire Emblem Awakening -Halo 3 -Sunset Overdrive -Gears of War 3 -Red Dead Redemption -Kid...
  9. BedBison

    Indie Games Social Thread

    I don't play too many runners because i spend money impulsively so I try not to buy very many digital games, But there's some fun one from what I've played. Shovel Knight was my second favorite game last year and Bit.Trip.Saga had some fun games in it. I also really like Mutant Mudds but I could...
  10. BedBison

    Splatoon Youtube Content: What do you want to see?

    I think guides would be a good idea. Weapons, maps, outfits, the whole thing.
  11. BedBison

    EarthBound / Mother Series Social Thread - Octopus Erasers Are The Best Inkling Weapons

    I'll probably do that then, when I get my Wii U soon I'll download Earthbound ASAP.
  12. BedBison

    DragonBall Thread

    Well the reason DBZ was like that is because it was based on a ongoing manga, and because they didn't want the anime to surpass the manga, they had to drag some scenes on to let the manga get ahead. Because this is an original anime not based on a manga, I don't think that'll be a problem.
  13. BedBison

    Is anyone finding it as hard as me...

    No, all the newcomers are Squidward so it's understandable. He's Squidward, He's Squidward, You're Squidward, I'm Squidward.
  14. BedBison

    DragonBall Thread

    Well in Battle of Gods (Spoilers if you haven't seen it) Goku gets defeated by Beerus almost immediately while Vegeta put up a better fight. Goku couldn't stand a chance against against Beerus without going SSG. So I like to think that was them throwing a bone for Vegeta, and maybe we'll see...
  15. BedBison

    What are you playing? Non-Nintendo-published edition

    Final Fantasy Type-0 for the Xbox One. It's pretty fun, the best way to describe it would be Final Fantasy's take on Dynasty Warriors. The story doesn't make much sense but it's pretty fun to just beat up on people mindless while you listen to the games great music.
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