Recent content by Ber

  1. Ber

    The new Bamboozler 14mk III

    Well with a more defensive play style Damage Up is certainly not necessary. Actually I don't think it's necessary on any of the variants but at least with my play style I've found it helps more than other abilities and I still don't run that much, I run 1 main and 2 subs which is just enough to...
  2. Ber

    New Splat Roller confirmed!

    The Splattershot got a Sheldon version so no
  3. Ber

    weapons that "fly" well

    The Bamboozler with some :ability_swimspeed: is great for going fast on straight lines, depending on the map you can get from one side to the other really fast. For moving fast during combat I doubt anything beats the N-zap with :ability_runspeed: stacked. L-3 Nozzlenose seems to be fairly good...
  4. Ber

    I need help with Chargers!

    If you just want general tips that video should have them all covered, if there's something more specific you're having troubles with we'll need to now before we can help you, some times just noticing what you're having trouble with is enough to know what to do about it, take a second while you...
  5. Ber

    Bamboozler 14 MK II: Analysis and Thoughts

    Just wanted to say that 1 main and 1 sub :ability_damage:s are enough to turn the completely uncharged shots into 3 hit splats on oponents without any def ups. Not sure about oponents with some sub :ability_defenseup:s since I can't test that in the practice area and also not sure if 3 uncharged...
  6. Ber

    Weapons that work best with Run Speed Up?

    I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet
  7. Ber

    The Bamboozler: Why no love?

    I love it, love the range, love how fast it is, love how versatile it is, I can't wait for the MK II, Disruptors might be amazing with it. It'll never be popular because of how hard it is to use it, you need to aim fast and don't loose aim after the first shot.
  8. Ber

    Pro or Con? - Customizable Weapons and Loadouts

    Customizing stats, loadouts and looks could lead to a lot of unpredictablity, as it is right now you can see your oponent's wepon, know what that weapon is capable of and react accordingly, customizing stats and loadouts would take away that completely, and customizing looks would make it harder...
  9. Ber

    Jr. Becoming More Popular?

    Haven't really paid attention but I don't think I've seen more that 4 Jr. in my last 20 games
  10. Ber

    Favorite/Least Favorite Weapons?

    Favorite: Bambozzler 14 MK I (I'm really excited forthe MK II hope we get it soon) Classic Squiffer L-3 Nozzlenose D Both Splattershot Pros Least favorite: All rollers but the Carbon, I like the Carbon Roller Luna Blaster Aerospray RG, MG is nice Custom Splattershot Jr.
  11. Ber

    Good abilitys for Classic Squiffer?

    I run :ability_inksaversub: because I like throwing lots of :pointsensor:, I feel knowing what's coming and being ready for it is really important for this weapon, :ability_bombrange: helps with that too.
  12. Ber

    Is "Damage Up" Becoming Pointless?

    if the oponent has some previous damage from a sub weapon, one of your team members or even stepping on your ink, damage up can mean fewer shots for the splat, with two Damage Ups and the standing on ink damage I've gotten lots of seemingly one hit splats with the Rapid Blaster for example...
  13. Ber

    The Bamboozler Has Changed My Thoughts on Weapon Viability

    I know I'm late, sorry but I wasn't able to play for about a month, anyway, I've been using the Bamboozler for some days and love it, two mid charged shots are enough to take out opponents and you can fire them at a pretty good rate wich gives you better chances to hit moving targets, I only...
  14. Ber

    Splatoon lore: Weapon Manufacturers

    "New" only appears in the New Squiffer and that one is made by Sheldon
  15. Ber

    H3-Nozzlenose inkcoming tonight!

    It's also worth mentioning that it has perfect accuracy, something only the nozzlenose family and chargers have
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