Recent content by BJ8649

  1. BJ8649

    What are support/backlines you all wanna see become more used?

    I have a few ideas for reworks/buffs for those 3 actually Bamboo gets an alternate firing mode where it deals more damage with a full charge but fire rate dramatically slows The ink painted by explosher shots will have a damage overtime effect, like how you take damage when in enemy ink but more...
  2. BJ8649

    What are support/backlines you all wanna see become more used?

    melo really was cooking when he picked it up
  3. BJ8649

    What are support/backlines you all wanna see become more used?

    Bamboo would be cool ideally id make it around as good as new squiffer in s2
  4. BJ8649


    wtf twitter sexyman gaymoji!!!!!!!!!
  5. BJ8649

    Other interests besides Splatoon

    I'm into: Metroid, Fire Emblem and Transformers mainly. hell i even have a story idea for a transformers and splatoon crossover
  6. BJ8649

    What are support/backlines you all wanna see become more used?

    Rapid pro would be quite a unique backline ngl Too bad it probably cant do as much as others with.....marker and wail
  7. BJ8649

    Splat Brella needs more buffs

    ?? Ok why did it quote twice
  8. BJ8649

    Splat Brella needs more buffs

    Id prefer brella be buffed to kill cos if it adopts a stalling playstyle itll slow down the game more and some wont have fun 90 dmg also fixes more of its issues generally Also isnt it depressing that the weapon with a gimmick that allows it to frontline a lot, only does it to stall out some...
  9. BJ8649

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    now thats depressing
  10. BJ8649

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    Its still a bit weak to act as a flex rn imo, its strengths dont rly make up for its speed maybe a paint/ink efficiency buff would do
  11. BJ8649

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    I personally dont like fighting dynamo cos getting upclose is pretty hard sometimes but it could just be a skill/weapon issue (i play splat brella)
  12. BJ8649

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    its so slow though 😭 like maybe make it a bit faster too Lord knows it needs all the help it can get in a meta where pencil is the only support/backline/both
  13. BJ8649

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    rip alliance rogue they were the one team who did and now they gone
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