Recent content by Brickmastr

  1. Brickmastr

    Booyah Tournament Participants

    Everyone, let me know in this thread whether you'll be able to participate in the Booyah tournament on Sunday. According to this post, the organizers of the tournament are going to want a list of team members so they can track who's absent. So far, my list is: EDIT: I also need reddit usernames...
  2. Brickmastr

    The Future of Ackbar's Tanuki Army

    Alright, I've changed the time to 6:30 PM EDT.
  3. Brickmastr

    The Future of Ackbar's Tanuki Army

    Would anyone be opposed to moving the call to 6:30 PM EDT?
  4. Brickmastr

    The Future of Ackbar's Tanuki Army

    Hey Fellow Tanuki! So far, we've been mostly finding out who's online at the same time and trying to play together. Now that our group is [officially] just over two weeks old and we're involved in the upcoming Booyah Tournament, I think it's time we started organizing regular practice and...
  5. Brickmastr


    I'd like to apply for that charger position, if still available. I main E-Liter 3K Scope, second Heavy Splattling, and am S Rank. With my E-Liter, I can stop a tower from moving or generally stop an enemy advance single-handed. For smaller maps, I switch to my Splattling to provide cover fire...
  6. Brickmastr


    I agree, we just need to get Austin and Oli on more so we can see their play styles more! As far as SZ, we'll want to make sure we're more defensive. There's not much value in pushing the enemy side too much.
  7. Brickmastr


    I think the biggest thing we need to work on as a team is just playing smarter, not harder. I think we keep losing our territory in part because we all have a habit of over extending ourselves. If we could practice just securing the center and not pushing into their side too much, we should do a...
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