
My name is Bryant Snyder and I turn 21 in March next year. I enjoyed Splatoon so much on the Nintendo Wii U that I decided to trade the Wii U in to get a Nintendo Switch and Splatoon 2. Most of my enjoyment in life comes from video games- sad, right? I digress. I play:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris
  • Sonic Mania
  • Lego Worlds
  • Splatoon 2
My favorite meal is tomato risotto with baked chicken. My favorite color is green. Every test I have done for Star Wars has landed me as a Jedi Consular with a green lightsaber.

In Splatoon 2 my favorite weapon is the :wst_shot_long00: Jet Squelcher. The Jet Squelcher is the best fit for my play style since I can discourage enemies from going through certain areas with my :disruptor:Toxic Mist, and I can scatter them with the Tenta Missiles. All the while I can keep them at bay with the superb range of the weapon. And I use gear with :ability_specialcharge: Special Charge up...

A LOT of Special Charge Up.
I am a little above average height, 5'11". I am a little above average weight, 220-ish lbs. I have ash blonde hair and grey eyes.

In middle and high school I was in choir. Our choir toured in Chicago, Atlanta, and St. Louis. In my senior year our choir attained 2nd Place at ISSMA Competitive Finals.

If you would like to know more about me you can always just ask.
Mar 28, 1997 (Age: 27)


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