Recent content by Chris

  1. Chris

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Hi, I like playing splatoon I guess Time Zone: CEST Weapon: I like using the jr, dynamos and 2 NNID: MutedSound1111 Age: 19 Age group I'm interested in: 16+ Additional Info: I plan to play very seriously, however I also just like having a good time and chatting with people. My skype is...
  2. Chris

    Colossal Changes for Urchin Underpass - New Map Overhaul!

    I liked the old urchin underpass, it was my favourite stage from the first 5 so it sucks that it's getting changed. I'm not saying the new version will be bad, but I rather have them make two versions and both be playable than just "updating" one and R.I.P. to the old one. I can see this...
  3. Chris

    Is this game starting to lose steam already?

    While I haven't played too many teambased multiplayer games, I have almost exclusively experienced anger from the opposing team, hardly ever had I had my own teammates blame me or I me blame them. Also... "salt" is not a bad thing for a community, people in general love to see anger and...
  4. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    It doesn't matter how good the gameplay is, if it doesn't have basic features a lot of people won't buy it or that it's ok for nintendo to do these things. Why are you defending this? You should be demanding day 1 friend rooms as well, as you need those to do clan wars, and you need clan wars...
  5. Chris

    New Stage Incoming: Kelp Dome!

    From the single player maps, this one looked the most interesting, I'm glad it's the first one to come out
  6. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    If 250cc was added there would be even more shortcuts, doesn't mean 250cc is planned. Besides, I bet that shortcut would be possible in mario kart wii if 200cc was there too. Accidental shortcuts were in Mario Kart Wii all over the place so I this might also have been one that the developers...
  7. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    True, 200cc did add more shortcuts, I imagine they had to add it because of the negative feedback, and wasn't planned beforehand. While I understand how people can see one item as more strategic, most people view it as less strategic, especially in battle mode. While I can handle periodic DLC of...
  8. Chris

    Is this game starting to lose steam already?

    That is fun. Friend rooms don't replace random regular battles though, and people love doing clan wars
  9. Chris

    Is this game starting to lose steam already?

    The lack of clan wars is really hurting the community. I think Splatoon will be put into a semi-hibernation state until the release of friend rooms.
  10. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    You're not even worth my time to reply why splatoon should keep up to the gaming standards, never reply to me again cause I won't respond and even report abuse 1) It's called a hyperbole, one of the reasons why people aren't buying a wii u is because nintendo makes bad design choices with...
  11. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    What do you mean how I know? u srs bro? Of course many people didn't buy the game because there's no friend rooms right off the bat, I've seen many people that say this. And just because some games do terrible dlc deals doesn't mean nintendo's dlc policy gets a pass what kind of logic is that...
  12. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    >August It should be available day 1. August is 3 months after Splatoon's launch, by then people will get disinterested and many people didn't buy the game cause of that. It's a basic feature in every online game ever pretty much. Because of things like these the wii u isn't selling well
  13. Chris

    Competitive Splatoon, will it take off?

    The game doens't even let you do friend rooms. If that isn't somehow at least limiting competitive play idk what is. The game will be competitive and being "the best" will obviously take a lot lot lot of effort but this game isn't becoming an esport
  14. Chris

    Sponges and Ink Railing should be introduced in online multiplayer.

    Well, in one of the "future multiplayer" maps they had those tube things in them, however it mightve just been a singleplayer addition. But ye sponges and tubes and those geyser like things would be cool
  15. Chris

    This game needs a longer single player mode, and 4 player splitscreen local multiplayer

    It was a metaphore for how little games the wii u has lol This game isn't for everyone, it's for those who want to play online, and well, they can do a lot more stuff for the online. I guess there might be more single player in Splatoon 2 but otherwise I don't see it happening, unless they give...
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