Recent content by chrisblass1

  1. chrisblass1

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    Been away for months and comeback to all this crazy new stuff. Nintendo definitely went above and beyond with splatoon 2, making sure we play for awhile. I'm liking the new weapon, specials and sub.Some of them I've been wanting in the first one so it's great see them now. Although some of the...
  2. chrisblass1

    Are Turf Wars getting more friendly because of the Switch reveal?

    Haven't notice anything different in turf war. It has always been an easy game mode to me so maybe that's why i haven't notice.
  3. chrisblass1

    Thoughts about spawn camping?

    If i get the chance to do it then i'll do, i like to pin down my opponents and limit their options so it makes it easier to predict their next move and punish it. Not only that but i dont mind the easy win either. When it happens to me i try to figure out some way to break out of it and if i...
  4. chrisblass1

    Your Opinion on Paid Online

    Depends on the price, cant lie and say that im not disappointed tho
  5. chrisblass1

    Message to Anyone.

    Do I hate you? I don't know you tell me. I hate people who waste my time, I hate people who make empty promises, I hate people who think I'm the one at fault when i am clearly not, I hate people who lie, I hate people who gives me false hope, I hate people who deceive me and I hate people who...
  6. chrisblass1

    Should I save scum?

    Do whatever you want, personally i say go ahead and save scum.
  7. chrisblass1

    Motion Controls vs Analog Controls

    Motion controls are better.
  8. chrisblass1

    I Miss the Days When…

    I miss the days when the trees in urchin underpass were in your base instead of being in the middle of the map.
  9. chrisblass1

    Global Testfire Redux!

    i had lots of fun during the testfire
  10. chrisblass1

    On the Same Wavelength

    One time during a splatfest i found some very cool teammates. All over our weapons mixed perfectly and we won like 15 matches in a row it was amazing.
  11. chrisblass1

    Global Testfire Redux!

    Thought about joining to see how many kills I can get but decided to play Bayonetta instead.
  12. chrisblass1

    I hate pitiful teams!

    Dont do that, just because you've given up doesnt mean your teammates did. Winning a match that seems impossible to win is one of the best feelings ever and you're kinda taking the possibility of your team winning that match away.
  13. chrisblass1

    How active are you?

    i play once in awhile, not very long though. Used to play a lot during the first few months of it release.
  14. chrisblass1

    How do you feel about Horror in Video Games?

    Love them as long as they dont rely on jump scares too much.
  15. chrisblass1

    What's your favorite thing to do to pass the time?

    Gaming, dancing, and sleeping.
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