Recent content by Chro

  1. Chro

    Splatoon OCs?

    Cool! Im excited to see them ovo Ahhh! Your ocs are so cute! I love them all!
  2. Chro

    Looking for a clan/squad!

    Hiya! I think that I've already found a clan, I'm sorry! But thank you so much for the interest! If you'd ever like to play feel free to add me! Hiya! I'm always looking for people to play with! My NNID is Chroly! I can try to send you a request later today and if you ever see me on or want to...
  3. Chro

    Splatoon OCs?

    Followed you on tumblr! Honestly I really love sketches! Your characters all seem so cool too! Hey do you have a skype? I'd love to talk more about our squidkids and maybe squad sometime? o:
  4. Chro

    Splatoon OCs?

    Heck yeah! I'd probably be up for that! I dont know how finished it would come out but I'd be up to doodle your squids
  5. Chro

    Splatoon OCs?

    Thank you! And yeah! I really want to draw more of peoples splatoon ocs and get to know more of the splatoon art community (this game got sooo popular with art people I follow, I just jumped on board a little late) Heck yeah! Brushes are rad. And thank you!! That's really sweet! (btw the...
  6. Chro

    Splatoon OCs?

    Ahhh everyone's inkling oc's are so cute/cool! This is my baby Lacey She's a headstrong inkbrush user that tends to get ahead of herself in battle TvT I've also got three others but I dont have any good pictures of them yet! (an octoling, a sniper, and a cool guy ehe) I'd love to do some sort...
  7. Chro

    Looking for A-/A/A+ players to break into S Rank with!

    Cool beans! Downloaded it and I'll pop in when I get back then!
  8. Chro

    Looking for A-/A/A+ players to break into S Rank with!

    Never used it before but I can join/download or whatever, but I'm being dragged to a family thing right now, it'll take a couple hours but I'll be back tonight.
  9. Chro

    Looking for A-/A/A+ players to break into S Rank with!

    Sounds great to me! I should be free tonight and tomorrow, after that my schedule gets a bit murky with other things but let me know when you guys have time!
  10. Chro


    Hiya! I would love some help improving! I know sometimes I still make stupid mistakes and I could use some help pointing them out occationally We can learn together! I'll send you a friend request when I log in today! Sweet! I'm always looking for new splat buddies! I'll send a request on skype!
  11. Chro

    Hi there...

    I have a skype and Ive heard about discord! Skype ID is aqua-sama (I made this like six years ago and need to make a new account soon) and my current name is Crow! Feel free to add me
  12. Chro


    Cool beans! Nice to meetcha, I'll send a request tomorrow ovo
  13. Chro

    Looking for A-/A/A+ players to break into S Rank with!

    Heya! I'd be willing to squad sometime too! EST, flexible schedule, and use the Neo/Sploosh-o-matic (also use the octobrush, tentatek)
  14. Chro

    Your art is so lovely and its so nice of you to draw everyone's characters! Do you post your...

    Your art is so lovely and its so nice of you to draw everyone's characters! Do you post your work anywhere? Or on any other sites?
  15. Chro

    Looking for a clan/squad!

    Hiya! I'm Chro/Crow and I'm looking for some friendly people to splat with! I'd like to eventually get into the serious competitive side, but for now I just want to improve and have some people to improve with! I've been hopping between A and A+, the highest I've gotten to right now is A+96 Main...
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