Recent content by Claus

  1. Claus

    After the 2.7.0 update what trends have you started to notice?

    I've noticed that I really wish that the old E-Litre was back. As an E-Litre main since Day 2-3 I feel that the range reduction is really sucky, and I play defensively so Splatterscopes and other snipers out-ranging me doesn't bother me unless it really matters. My main problem is not being able...
  2. Claus

    Favorite Wii U Game?

    Bayonetta 2, no question Pokken and Splatoon are a very close second
  3. Claus

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    I'm down for some private battles, fellow UK squid here as well, S Rank. I usually use Chargers/Dynamo but I'm experimenting with new weapons since the nerf, I also haven't played in ages so I may be a bit rusty.
  4. Claus

    EU/OC and NA Splatfest - Spongebob vs. Patrick

    Wait... this is real? ...well Team Patrick I guess Edd vs Eddy splatfest when?
  5. Claus


    Moray Towers Christmas 2015 Only E-Litre I can happily say I have gotten a few quadruple splats in my career as a Splatoon player, but hey I don't like to brag.
  6. Claus

    Goodbye Old Meta (Patch 2.7.0 is Insane!)

    Uncharged range nerf? Swim Speed decrease? On my precious E-Litre? Now is the time to get upset.
  7. Claus

    NintendoLife: New Splatoon Minigame Poster Discovered!

    Oh my, this definitely makes things a lot more interesting then. The only conclusion I can draw is a set of two either unreleased or scrapped amiibos then. But whether they are Callie and Marie are yet to be known
  8. Claus

    Of course! I am currently communicating from six feet under with a laptop.

    Of course! I am currently communicating from six feet under with a laptop.
  9. Claus

    NintendoLife: New Splatoon Minigame Poster Discovered!

    I find this somewhat odd. In the files there are files for AmiiboIdolA and AmiiboIdolB, right? If this refers to amiibo that aren't released yet then what are the Boy and Girl Inkling called in the files? I believe AmiiboIdolA and B refer to the Boy and Girl Inkling amiibos. It makes sense since...
  10. Claus

    If Splatoon got an animated series

    I personally think the series should actually focus more on conflicts between the Inklings and the Octolings rather than keep it all turf war related. Make it light hearted but make stuff go dark at appropriate points. Just stuff like that.
  11. Claus

    Help! Same abilities as ordered item?!

    When you order an item off Spyke, you have a chance of getting exactly what you ordered with the probability becoming lower the more slots with abilities on the item you ordered. The missing slots are not guaranteed to give the subs you ordered, and are just as random as any other gear...
  12. Claus


    I think we're just grasping at this point. Octopus emojis can mean anything. Remember that delicious Splatoon snack they announced for April fools? Maybe it's Octopus flavoured. I'm all for playable Octolings and new Amiibo but we need more than just pictures of any old Octopus to start...
  13. Claus

    The Prefered Rank Mode for Tournament

    Rainmaker is my favourite mode in Splatoon, and the one I'm actually good at. But in terms of balance I have to choose Tower control above all else for being the most balanced.
  14. Claus

    New EU Splatfest: Barbarians vs Ninjas (Results)

    Those puny Ninja Aerosprays were no match for the raw power of my Dynamo Roller! Come, my fellow barbarians! Let us laugh at these puny ninjas while simultaneously flexing! BWAHAHA! (seriously though, gg's)
  15. Claus

    Savescuming: Why it's the worst thing ever... other than you know, murder and well, lots of things.

    You know what else sucks about scumming? When you lose all your data and have to restart everything. As of now I'm A- level 18 after two days so I'm not too far off retaining my S rank glory again. The climb will be a bit uphill from here. Anyway kids be very very careful if you plan to scum...
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