Recent content by colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

  1. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    Cats Win 51% of Splat Fest Matches

    Lmao i can't believe ppl are really downplaying the cats win. Dogs had a significantly bigger pool of players (62%) vs the cats(38%). So in reality they had a 24% advantage and easily could have won both categories. So give the cats credit for pulling a surprising win even if it was 2%.
  2. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    I'm very aggressive but when things get icky I leave my teammates to the opposing team, sneak...

    I'm very aggressive but when things get icky I leave my teammates to the opposing team, sneak around the enemy, and ink up their turf or keep them at bay for my team to come up and take over turf.
  3. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    NNID is blkhipstr, my game name is also blkhipstr (no surprise their lol), my skype is...

    NNID is blkhipstr, my game name is also blkhipstr (no surprise their lol), my skype is colorbanditblk, my timezone is eastern time and my location is in the US (state is Florida). I'm not sure what else could be important but I guess my level in the game is 20 and my main weapon is the...
  4. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    Can I join Monsters Ink?

    Can I join Monsters Ink?
  5. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    DLC coming tonight

    Yeah I really wasn't exoecting such an early release. I guess this is there way of trying to not the game go stale so early on.
  6. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    Sup to All

    So yeah I've been on the forums for a little while now and just noticed they posted a welcome thread so here's my welcome! I can be aggressive in play and when the going gets tough I like to sneak into enemy territory so I can take over while they are to focused on others. Hope we meet in battle...
  7. colorbanditblk(blkhipstr)

    Supporting Splatoon Competitively

    I can say, without a doubt, how true this can be. One community I was in for quite some time was the Mario Kart community. It was fun but what divided the community often was advanced tactics that were normally used in competitive play. A positive is that advance tactics kept the game fresh and...
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