Recent content by Crim*S

  1. Crim*S

    Glooga Deco Thoughts

    I wouldn't say that sensor has 0 value for Gloogas. I do agree that a painting sub would've been nice to help it but I feel like Glooga Deco can function fine without it; sensor gives Glooga the ability to clear ledges, corners and unchecked angles without even having to put itself at risk and...
  2. Crim*S

    Glooga Deco Thoughts

    Wanted to update this with the video I made giving some slightly more in depth thoughts! It's an unscripted ramble, I'll make something scripted once I have some time with the kit
  3. Crim*S

    Glooga Deco Thoughts

    So I am a comp player, I think that Glooga Deco and Machine Neo while being somewhat similar will ultimately play different games. I think Machine Neo is far better at clearing ledges and corners but might struggle more fighting long range threats. Glooga Deco will be a lot better at fighting...
  4. Crim*S

    Glooga Deco Thoughts

    I thought this morning would be when E-liter and Explo got their kit's announced but apparently Glooga Deco is real??? I'm super excited to have it back, the model is extremely clean and I love how the gold around the nozzle and the end of the dualie is far more pronounced now. But that aside I...
  5. Crim*S

    I'm in love with Douser so far! I'm excited to see more of it to learn it's dmg numbers + it's...

    I'm in love with Douser so far! I'm excited to see more of it to learn it's dmg numbers + it's other parameters to see if it can really play how I'm envisioning that it can. I'll try to make a write up on thoughts on it once we have more concrete details
  6. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    I'd love to collab with you on it!
  7. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    I'm also thinking about finally writing a Glooga guide and posting it here. Do y'all have any suggestions on stuff I should cover? I'm definitely gonna go over basics like builds, generally how to play it and best maps/modes but I'm wondering if there's any specific that would be really helpful
  8. Crim*S

    If I were to hypothetically write a Glooga guide for squidboards what's some of the stuff that...

    If I were to hypothetically write a Glooga guide for squidboards what's some of the stuff that y'all would like to see me cover?
  9. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    I've gone back to maining it recently and I agree with literally every you said here. Watching the area cup vod was really enlightening seeing how well they used wall into single roll setups + using spread fire to paint and initiate some of their fights, for modes I would say it also feels...
  10. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    Yeah, I've been loving where it is a main weapon right now. The dmg falloff buff really helps it be more consistent at it's max range and it's been a lifesaver frankly, fizzy would be sick to have back! I can see bubble, vac or tact working for it? Bubble would honestly go hard
  11. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    There may be few of us, but we are very much real
  12. Crim*S

    Glooga Appreciation thread

    Where are my fellow Glooga players at? Tell me what your ideal Glooga deco kit is, some of your favorite things about Glooga or how you feel about the weapon right now in the current state of the game
  13. Crim*S

    A return to form

    Really wanna see Squidboards come back! Having a place to actually discuss things would be awesome
  14. Crim*S

    Splatoon 3 waiting room

    Splatoon 3 waiting room
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