Recent content by D3RK

  1. D3RK

    Splatoon 2 November Patch Discussion (updated as needed)

    I like the new design for Blackbelly a lot. The whole left side of the map is actually playable now, where as it was a narrow lane that was easy to lock down before (Plus the wall of death that rollers loved to hide on, myself included!). The middle of the map also got some nice adjustments. The...
  2. D3RK

    Splatoon 2 Player archetypes in Splatoon

    I have to agree with the Flingza Roller being a tactical weapon. It covers a lot of options well enough and can be played multiple ways depending on gear preferences or play styles. It can be played as a defensive support, an offensive weapon, or anywhere in between. I would honestly put in in...
  3. D3RK

    Splatoon 2 Sticks vs. Motion question

    It's going to feel really odd until they get use to gyro. I played the original Splatoon with stick controls the entire time and finally decided to learn motion controls in splatoon 2. It felt incredibly awkward for the first few days and my aim was not all that great until I got use to it. I...
  4. D3RK

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    Brella blocks all the bomb variants. It even eats opposing brella when someone shoots it at you lol. Blocking too much damage with the brella will cause it to break and you lose it for a few seconds. That only really happens when blocking 4+ hits of tenta missiles or shots from multiple...
  5. D3RK

    Brella is Release!

    The brella feels a little too slow to play super aggressive with. It has really fast movement/wall climbing so it's good for flanking, but direct combat is difficult against higher ranged weapons. Point blank shots deal 90 damage while longer ranged shots can do as little as 10-15 damage which...
  6. D3RK

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    The brella is so much fun! Acting like a shield for your team to block things like suction/splat/burst bombs is awesome and you can stop things that you would otherwise be forced to retreat from. Love the weapon so far!
  7. D3RK

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    I finally got the 10 chunks I needed to finish a pure gear! Oh I need 30 chunks because it already has 2 of the same one? But I spent so long to get 10... Literally killed the game for me at this point. It has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment so far. Hopefully it will get...
  8. D3RK

    Splatoon 2's tickrate is only 16Hz

    I assume this is the reason I can smack someone point blank in the face with a roller only to have them turn around and instantly kill me. It's super annoying to go through the effort to approach the opponent and land the hit, only for it to not register and you die. It's not the side hits of...
  9. D3RK

    What Are The Biggest Problems In Splatoon 2?

    I still despise Moray Towers Some specials need to be adjusted. Mainly toning down Ink Armor a little and improving Sting Ray. Tenta Missiles are also extremely annoying, but not broken. I just hate being missiles spammed during an entire match. Ranked should let you play any mode you want...
  10. D3RK

    Next Splatfest EU+US: Mayo Vs Ketchup

    I quickly lost interest for this splatfest because well over 50% of my matches were against my own team. Why even bother playing when most of my matches are just a waste of time and wont count towards the goal? Might want to fix that along with the constant d/c at the end of a match because it's...
  11. D3RK

    Next Splatfest EU+US: Mayo Vs Ketchup

    Requesting a title change. This is clearly a Ketchup vs Ketchup Splatfest.
  12. D3RK

    "My team is crap!"

    I think people put way too much emphasis on killing and not enough on keeping control of the stage. Find your win conditions in a match and push towards those, don't try to force "your" win condition and then blame your team for losing. I occasionally find myself blaming my team for things due...
  13. D3RK

    [SPOILERS] Unlockable Weapons in Splatoon 2 Revealed!

    Stingray is too clunky and takes way too much effort to use. It's not even that good at what it's suppose to do because you have to go into squid form to look through walls which cancels your shots and then you lose sight when you start to shoot again. It's laughable at best. Sure, I've been...
  14. D3RK

    What weapons are you using and why?

    I've experimented a lot with the Flingza Roller since I unlocked it and I'm pretty happy with it. It's an amazing support weapon and pretty versatile in how you can choose to use it. I've been using it as a heavy zone weapon to support my team and land the occasional long ranged kill shot or...
  15. D3RK

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    I'm playing through all the stages with the hero brella until servers are back up. I don't think it will unlock the weapon but at least I can test it out now and have it unlocked for later. It really does feel like the shotgun we were missing.
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