Recent content by dbrandts

  1. dbrandts


  2. dbrandts

    Jr. Becoming More Popular?

    Thank you! I will entertain this bomb range up ability to my current set.
  3. dbrandts

    Losing streaks

    I thought about that after I left my comment. My gameplan from now on should be: Step 1 - play as technical as possible and assist teammates when appropriate. If any teammates are not playing to win, well I can't control that so back to Step 1. lol.
  4. dbrandts

    Jr. Becoming More Popular?

    The Jr. is my go-to weapon for turf war. The only weakness for me are chargers, but those are far and few in turf wars.
  5. dbrandts

    Custom Range Blaster: Analysis and Thoughts

    I'm having a blast with the custom range blaster. (no pun intended) I play defensively and I love the feeling of getting splats in one shot from a distance. The kraken is a great defense tool too.
  6. dbrandts

    Losing streaks

    Yeah I feel the same way. I assume many people play ranked squad battles with high ranked friends until they hit A+ 99 and then do a quick solo ranked match and win to get the S.
  7. dbrandts

    Tentatek Splattershot abilities

    I use one swim speed main, one ink resistance main, one run speed main, six swim speed subs, and the other three subs are two defense up and one ink recovery up. I have had a lot of success baiting my opponent (shooting a few shots while we face each other) then swimming around them in a...
  8. dbrandts

    Losing streaks

    Very true. I see a lot of S players that make some poor decisions.
  9. dbrandts

    I'm sick of ________

    I'm sick of ground areas you can't ink, like the glass in urchin underpass. A squid needs to swim...
  10. dbrandts

    Losing streaks

    I'm currently an S rank and I've noticed on some battles some of my teammates just hiding in the ink really close to our spawn point, not contributing to the objective. It frustrates me since I want to move to S+ but get grouped with people like this.
  11. dbrandts

    Looking for a Squad

    Alrighty, I filled out the form. Thank you very much for the response!
  12. dbrandts

    Looking for a Squad

    Hi all, I'm currently ranked S and looking for a squad to play with. Prefer West Coast time zone. See below for my info! Forum Name: dbrandts Country: USA (West Coast time zone) Current Role/Weapon: I play sneaky and technical, and a little aggressive when the opportunity presents itself...
  13. dbrandts

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: dbrandts Country: USA Current Role/Weapon: I play sneaky and technical, and a little aggressive when the opportunity presents itself. / Octoshot Replica NNID: brandts-buys Your Age: 28 Age Range of Group you are looking for: Not applicable just have a good attitude Additional...
  14. dbrandts


    I like the splattershot jr., I can ink turf and pop my bubble when I'm in danger, swim away and repeat. Pair this with run speed up and swim speed up abilities.
  15. dbrandts

    What is your favorite weapon in Splatoon?

    The Splattershot Pro. It's so good!
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