Recent content by Diolass

  1. Diolass

    More shooter buffs! just what we needed!!111!1!11!!1!1!1!

    None of these are that big of a deal. It helps bridge the gap between shot/zap/52/splash and everything else.
  2. Diolass

    Dev's Approach to Patches

    The philosophy of having minor nerfs to popular weapons and minor buffs to unpopular main weapons is probably the best thing for Splatoon. I think this is the best approach to patching a game. I only wish they noticed problems with certain weapons sooner. The pencil + shot points for special...
  3. Diolass

    Do you listen to music while you play? If so, what genre and artists?

    Depends on the mood. If i'm in a stressful tourney, I play fun anime/ game songs to lighten the mood. If I'm scrimming, I like listening to rock or fast jazz to pump me up.
  4. Diolass

    My Experience as a Collegiate Splatoon Club Leader

    Hi I'm a college student who started a Splatoon club. I just wanted to share my experiences being a club president and what playing competitive Splatoon as a college student is like. Starting the club was daunting. I started by posting a message in my schools esports Discord asking if anyone...
  5. Diolass

    Hello strangers

    There is! A lot of the competitive community lives on Discord. If you're interested in playing competitive or keeping up to date, I recommend checking out the Inkademy server
  6. Diolass

    Splatoon 3 Specials

    I think the big dome can be broken if an enemy walks inside of the shield and breaks the center. There's no evidence of it in the trailer, this is just speculation.
  7. Diolass

    Hello every one

  8. Diolass

    new here

    Welcome! I hope you have fun with the game :)
  9. Diolass

    Splatoon 2 Splatoon 3 Competitive Analysis

    What some people think is that the range blaster has a new piercing ability. When it gets a direct, the shot will still go through them and burst behind your target. This could potentially make it easier to hit multiple targets at once
  10. Diolass

    Splatoon 2 Help Needed For Improvement

    The best way to improve is by asking yourself questions about your gameplay. Typically, dying is your greatest teacher. If you can ask yourself "why did I die?" every time you die, it'll probably help you improve a lot and fix mistakes. I assume that you're a newer player, so I also recommend to...
  11. Diolass

    What did you learn from s1 that you don't see people do in s2?

    Flanking. This might have been just me, but I feel like in S1 people were trying to take different angles on the opponent more often. Nowadays, people just charge the opponent head on. It gets really annoying in solo ranked because literally one bomb or a well placed special will kill that push...
  12. Diolass

    Splatoon 2 Countering armor meta

    Kensa Luna :) Rain is really effective at breaking armors and it gets rain pretty fast. Then fizzy is also super strong at breaking armors cause all it takes is one of the 3 pops from fizzy to break armor. This is even stronger when you run double fizzy builds. Finally, you can combo double...
  13. Diolass

    Hi! o/

    Splat Training Grounds is a server for new players and for people interested in getting into the scene. No requirements other than dedication! If enough people are interested, a team in the server could be formed. Join if interested:
  14. Diolass

    I'm new here

    Splat Training Grounds is a server for new players and for people interested in getting into the scene. No requirements other than dedication! If enough people are interested, a team in the server could be formed. Join if interested:
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