Recent content by DuD

  1. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Added you to the first post +ndy :)
  2. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Hi there:) What is your NNID and in game name? I'll get you added to the opening post :)
  3. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    I will join on the computer if there is computer version? Won't be as active on there as I would on my mobile. Samsung have said they'll fix it though so hopefully it won't be too long :) Thanks for setting that up Spectre
  4. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    I managed to break my phone yesterday, and my temporary phone isn't capable of running discord.
  5. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Twin squad open
  6. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    I'm still waiting for muffin to add me.. will give it another 5 and if they don't and spectre doesn't reply I'll open a twin squad instead.
  7. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Private is open. Man, the Wii U desperately needs at least a text messaging system :(
  8. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Muffin, you need to add me as you have requests disabled
  9. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Yeah.. If theres Cuttleshock, Muffin, Spectre and me, shall we private 2v2? Or quad squad
  10. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Its looking more like 19:00 for me (15 mins)
  11. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Not sure yet, depends on numbers, if there's only us, we can squad, if others are around we could 2v2 or maybe 4v4 private. Well figure out later.
  12. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Thanks ☺ Hopefully it keeps growing. I've added everyone, and will be online from 18:45 ish tonight if people are interested? Also, I joined AD93's SquidWars, who are a very nice group of people if anyone's interested. Although you're better off speaking to AD about that ☺
  13. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    I've updated the first post for ease of access in case more people become interested. I will add everyone tonight :)
  14. DuD

    I would like to join

    Hi I'm Matt, I've been speaking to AD in a thread I made looking for UK / EU squids. I am interested in joining your group, having regular people to play with, having fun and hopefully getting better in the process. I checked the member list and realised I used to play with Are from Norway as we...
  15. DuD

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    This might be a stupid question, but how/where do i view the group page?
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