Recent content by FlamingZelda

  1. FlamingZelda

    Reliable data???

    Hey, so I was looking around on inkipedia for information on respawn rates, hp regeneration rate, whether or not respawns take longer after more deaths, and damage for certain weapons. I couldn't find anything on the first three topics, and there was a discrepancy on weapon damage for the...
  2. FlamingZelda

    Goodbye Old Meta (Patch 2.7.0 is Insane!)

    When I started playing this game I struggled to find a main. I settled on the Tentetek splattershot, 96.Gal Deco, and dual squelcher. But now that they've nerfed the top teir weapons I'm going to have to find a new main. I'm so excited! I've noticed that the slosher deco is way faster now and...
  3. FlamingZelda

    Help with Moray!

    I like the Eel pic. :cool: I'm a little unsure of the location your referring to. Are you talking about Corner B? Anyway thanks for the tips. I feel like No. 4 will be a big help.
  4. FlamingZelda

    Help with Moray!

    Hi. With almost every map in splatoon I've developed sound strategies. I've been playing the game for about a month and I am an S rank player (Until very recently). I simply cannot win a match on moray towers. The map is centralized around a bottleneck and does not allow free movment. Last...
  5. FlamingZelda

    Worst Ways to Get Splatted?

    Yeah after I played bluefin the first time and missed that first jump I resolved to never attempt it again. I now always go to the left or right from the spawn. They take you to the sides of the stage faster anyway.
  6. FlamingZelda

    Worst Ways to Get Splatted?

    Getting splatted by a laggy kraken. Dying from the recoil on your inkzooka. Forgetting to turn into inkling form when holding the rainmaker and the falling through a grate on bluefin depot. Being pushed into water by the tower in TC.
  7. FlamingZelda

    Just another noob.

    Hello guys. I'm FlamingZelda (I'm a guy), I started playing Splatoon about a week after Christmas, and I wanna be the very best like no one ever was! Currently I'm B+ and I'll start looking for a squad once I'm about A rank. I main the Tentetek Splattershot (I know... very original.), and that...
  8. FlamingZelda

    Random Players and their amazing inability to Squid Jump.

    I've found that squid jumping to the frontlines when my team is making the final push in Tower control can give us the extra few seconds we need to win. I also will super jump to a charger that's in a secure position, but most of the time I don't super-jump. If you want to get back into the...
  9. FlamingZelda

    Is Arowana Mall still in rotation?

    I've been playing since Christmas and I've seen every level in rotation except Arowana mall. Looking through these posts makes it sound like it was a lousy stage...
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