Recent content by GameGalaxy64

  1. GameGalaxy64

    Frame Data Spreadsheet

    This is great! Will you pin it?
  2. GameGalaxy64

    Hey everyone! I'm a YouTuber and new!

    Welcome to Squidboards! Good luck with your YouTube career! I hope to hear great things from you!
  3. GameGalaxy64

    PROJECT SQUIDFEST: An IN-PERSON Splatoon Event / Tournament [Survey]

    Pants-less stream or riot! Jk, too soon. I'll let myself out now.
  4. GameGalaxy64

    PROJECT SQUIDFEST: An IN-PERSON Splatoon Event / Tournament [Survey]

    PLEASE go to Boston! I would love to spectate and meet the community!
  5. GameGalaxy64

    What is the Meta's Most Underrated Weapon?

    Do you have a link to that nozzle nose gameplay? I'm not skeptical, just curious. :)
  6. GameGalaxy64

    What is the Meta's Most Underrated Weapon?

    My vote goes to the Octobrush, when utilized correctly. What do you all think?
  7. GameGalaxy64

    Should Map/Mode Be Reconsidered for Competitive Play?

    Now that players have had time to get familiar with different maps, modes, weapons, and strategies, should the community give map/mode banning another go? Btw, I'm not advocating for this, I just want to here what you all have to say. :)
  8. GameGalaxy64

    With the updates stopping around January, do you think the content we have is worth the $60?

    Yes. No question. I think it had 60$ worth content a couple days after launch when ranked was released, which was promised.
  9. GameGalaxy64

    Who here plans on hosting LOCAL tournaments in the future?

    In regards to gear, just have attendants bring their own usb so they have the gear they want.
  10. GameGalaxy64

    Guess the next poster's favorite weapon

    No, 52 gal. Krak-on roller?
  11. GameGalaxy64

    SCL 7: Finals Week Fight

    Looks at tournament name **Shudders** :confused:
  12. GameGalaxy64

    What really stupid/noob things have you seen, or have done?

    The first time I played on BD, I jumped straight into the gap in the beginning not knowing there was a bottomless pit there. :oops:
  13. GameGalaxy64

    "Shiny" and "Pure" Gear Compendium

    Nice! How long does it take you to respawn?
  14. GameGalaxy64

    Calling all Inklings! - Introducing the Splatnasium.

    Downloading the app right now! Can't wait!
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