Recent content by Kiritora

  1. Kiritora

    Woo another wisconsinite! I'm from southeast.

    Woo another wisconsinite! I'm from southeast.
  2. Kiritora

    「HBSF」Hard Body Swag Force

    Admittedly I was fooling around on some matches XD Good games though! Was a lot of fun. You're a good bubbler. c:
  3. Kiritora

    Redbelly Tournaments

    If life is pretty stressful for you then hosting a tourney will not help matters much. Get stuff settled in real life first before anything!
  4. Kiritora

    Redbelly Tournaments

    Okay first of all, we were just asking questions and giving critique. In no way were we trying to be rude. I wasn't at least! Second of all, your attitude is really off-putting. You're acting like us just simply questioning the rules inconveniences you so much. This is not going to make people...
  5. Kiritora

    Redbelly Tournaments

    - Not covering ink - Spamming C'mon and Bo-yah I'm so confused. The first one I totally don't get. The second is something only your teammates ever see and not your opponents. Why would you disrespect your own team anyway...? Such strange rules and no Splatzones? Splatzones is pretty much...
  6. Kiritora

    Splatfest Discussion Thread: The Iron Lines and the Calcium Nines

    I had nearly an hour of a winning streak with pretty much the same group. I was topping nearly all of them with the Dynamo. Really wish I could've told those guys they were an awesome bunch. We really held them back in their bases! I've made cat queen, but it's not over for me yet. I'll be back...
  7. Kiritora

    Splatfest Discussion Thread: The Iron Lines and the Calcium Nines

    I only had time for four games but we wrecked. I had a solid team too. Go kitties!
  8. Kiritora

    Dynamo Roller: Analysis and Thoughts Thread

    Okay I'm going to say your guide is a little biased, and it's easy for you to assume that the regular Dynamo can't be offensive because you don't seem to like the sprinkler, or think it's pretty bad for the dynamo. I use the Dynamo in both ranked and TW and I do just fine with the sprinklers...
  9. Kiritora

    Carbon Roller: Analysis and Thoughts Thread

    After using this I've found out a few things. It's best to spam the bombs as you get close, so sub savers would be great with it. It takes two hits to roll over and it's splatter range is not great. In most situations it's actually best to stay grounded near opponents than to jump and flick...
  10. Kiritora

    Dynamo Roller: Analysis and Thoughts Thread

    As a dynamo main I find that you opinion of the sprinkler being pointless is kinda silly. If you use it like I do you toss it at them and occupy it with them enough to give yourself cover to do whatever you need to do. I use it so that they have to get rid of it and when they do I pop out and...
  11. Kiritora

    Am I using the inkbrush right?

    Always remember to use your subs. I haven't seen you do so once in your video. It's hard to say since there were two d/c's in this video, but I hardly ever see you running around. You can get to places quickly and if you just sit and paint everything you're an easy target for the opposite team...
  12. Kiritora

    Plans in case Splatfest is Postponed?

    Although I was really looking forward to it I guess it's for the better since I have guests over until tuesday anyway. But they really enjoy watching me play too so I don't think they would have had an issue with it.
  13. Kiritora

    We all know Krack-on-splat roller is over used.

    Seriously am I like the only one who uses the dynamo rollers? I really do not feel that the kraken is one of the best specials. If you remain in squid for and jump around it's pretty easy to avoid. People put far too much focus on trying to use it offensively when they really just need to use...
  14. Kiritora

    Some of the biggest mistakes during matches?

    When I or a teammate is super jumping to another teammate and that teammate does not hold the ground where we land. Unless of course no enemies are close by. Anytime I see a teammate trying to jump to me I make sure the spot is secure. You certainly don't want them out for another 10 seconds if...
  15. Kiritora

    Maps Remember to NOT paint your base before you go to the battle

    Guys always remember that if you have a roller on your team let them cover your base. Or at least hope that they do. Rollers, I've seen too many of you not cover your base. This is your job before you cover the middle. You cover far more ink than almost all weapons in the game. Your job is a...
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