Recent content by Kittykatplatt

  1. Kittykatplatt

    Panda Global Warming - Recruting

    Skype: Kaytocun Rank: A- (keeps going up and down from matches Age: 16
  2. Kittykatplatt

    Casual Squad: Jelly Squids Recruitment.

    NNID: Kaytocun Discord: Kit
  3. Kittykatplatt

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    Applied, look forward to reply
  4. Kittykatplatt

    Ìß✮ | Ìnglorious ßelemnites [OPEN]

    Applied hope to hear back soon!
  5. Kittykatplatt

    [We have disbanded, ignore post] Incredible Ink: Casual Squad

    Age: 16 Timezone: GMT 0 Preferred Roll: Support, defence Country: England Availability: Afternoons, Evenings Language: English Current rank: B Communication: Skype or whatever is preferred.
  6. Kittykatplatt

    Fresh Squids Auditions

    NNID: Katyocun Age: 16 Country: England Timezone: GMT +0 Rank: B+ Short motivation: Knowing that one day I could be in a team that wins tournaments Can you communicate through Discord (or Skype): Yes, both
  7. Kittykatplatt

    squad X, recruiting squids now!

    I have applied looking forward to answerer
  8. Kittykatplatt

    Full Icon, maybe request.

    Here's a full view of my icon i hope it's okay, I may consider doing requests for em for even doing squad logos, also might start commissions.
  9. Kittykatplatt

    Art is hard

    Art is hard
  10. Kittykatplatt

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: Kittykatplatt Country: England GMT +0 Current Role/Weapon: defence and support. .52 Gal Deco. Can do roller class too if needs be. Your Age: 16 Age Range of Group you are looking for: 14+ Additional Contact Information: please private me for more info.
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