Recent content by Lag Chan

  1. Lag Chan

    Personal opinions on buffs/nerfs that should happen

    Please not my precious Dynamo ;-; For reals, it's already the least used of the Rollers and is the one that takes the most effort to use, don't make it any harder than it already is to use. For me personally I'd like to see some subs buffed. Disruptor, Point Sensor, Ink Mines all need something...
  2. Lag Chan

    Favourite and Least Favourite Stages!

    In general, Kelp Dome is my favourite with Moray Towers as my least favourite. Whoever designed that map needs to get their head examined. Horrible in every way.
  3. Lag Chan

    "Shiny" and "Pure" Gear Compendium

    Oh alright then I have no idea how this **** works I just saw three and was like oh hey there's that thread about stuff
  4. Lag Chan

    "Shiny" and "Pure" Gear Compendium

    Forgive the potato quality, but here's something of mine.
  5. Lag Chan

    Splatfest EU- how is it going?

    Without a doubt the worst experience in multiplayer I've ever had in gaming. Trying to find a game which isn't a curbstomp battle with teammates that have rocks for brains is hard enough, but of course the maps are Arowana Mall and Moray ********, the worst maps in the game which favour one type...
  6. Lag Chan

    Luna Blaster: Analysis and Thoughts

    Honestly, the Luna Blaster feels like a straight upgrade to the normal Blasters. The lack of range means nothing thanks to the huge blast radius it has, pretty much you can destroy anyone who even dares come close to you. The massive killing ability, fairly reliable inking capabilities and...
  7. Lag Chan

    Tower Control & Ink Mines (For or Against?)

    I agree completely. In anything but TC they're pretty UP, they're too slow to blow up and their radius is lackluster, they're just worse versions of Splat bombs really. Speaking of changes, I'd love it if you could detonate your own ink mine by placing another, rather than just outright...
  8. Lag Chan

    Tower Control & Ink Mines (For or Against?)

    Not a fan of it. I hate it really, same as being able to move the tower as a Kracken. At the very least I wish that ink mines would just disappear after the person who placed them is splatted. Anything to make it less annoying and just stupid to go against.
  9. Lag Chan

    The Slosher, OP or not?

    It's waaaaaay too early to call a weapon OP, it's barely been a day since it came out. Is it annoying? Yes. Is it hard to fight? Yes. Is it OP? Time will tell. It's best to just deal with the weapon best you can and avoid making kneejerk reaction threads.
  10. Lag Chan

    Heavy Splatling: Analysis and Thoughts

    Difficult to use, but very rewarding. This dominates in Ranked thanks to how defence is such a crucial role, especially in Tower Control. The Splash Wall solidifies how defensive this weapon is, the pair makes it very tough to get the drop on a Splating when they know what they're doing. It's...
  11. Lag Chan

    Slosher: Analysis and Thoughts

    A very annoying weapon indeed. Huge hitbox, only takes two hits to kill, great range and has a fast fire rate. Fighting against this is simply not fun, there's no point in even having burst bombs with how dominant it is. The inkstikes only up the annoyance, expect to see them firing constantly...
  12. Lag Chan

    E-liter 3K: Analysis and Thoughts Thread

    I feel this weapon kind of just goes to show why Chargers won't be making any waves any time soon. This is possibly one of the most, if not the most situational weapon in the game. Some maps will be a blast for this whilst others will just end up being a real pain to work on due to how limited...
  13. Lag Chan

    Sploosh-o-matic: Analysis and Thoughts

    Oh wow, I'm surprised at the negative reception this is getting. Just recently got a chance to use it and I've been adoring it. It's an odd weapon for sure, tons of bullet spread and terrible range means you really have to work for those kills, and the lack of a grenade don't help it's long...
  14. Lag Chan

    What would make Splatoon perfect

    Matchmaking options, even just simple ones like Mario Kart 8's Regional and Worldwide options. Would make games a lot more enjoyable and a lot less laggy for everyone.
  15. Lag Chan

    Dynamo Roller: Analysis and Thoughts Thread

    Probably one of the least used weapons around and for good reason, it goes completely against everything that standard rollers are known for. Standard Rollers are all about being aggressive and being a driving force in the team, with the Dynamo Roller having a strong emphasis on defensive play...
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