Recent content by LazerBeanz

  1. LazerBeanz

    Worst Ways to Get Splatted?

    some of the worst ways I've gotten splatted have been when I think I'm hitting the other team members with my weapon, but I miss by just a little, and they turn around and splat me! GAH! Gets me furious! Or just keep getting sniped in the same place.....
  2. LazerBeanz

    In your opinion: Map and Mode combos that make you go "Nope."

    Walleye warehouse. It just seems like to confined and small some how...but that's just my opinion lol
  3. LazerBeanz

    The Rise of Tenacity?!

    I like to use it occasionally, but I only really use it when I have echolocater as a special. It tends to help my team mates more. especially if I have some snipers on my team.
  4. LazerBeanz

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    I can't stop thinking about this for some reason lol
  5. LazerBeanz

    NNID & IGN

    If you're interested in playing as a team, put your NNID and IGN on this forum. I'm usually on around 6 or 7 after I get done with class, but hopefully new members will arrive, and the team will grow.
  6. LazerBeanz

    NNID(Nintendo Network ID) & IGN (in game name)

    NNID: shuya_nananahara IGN: LazR Bean Looking to play some ranked with a squad.Usually on around 6 pm pacific time. Seattle based.
  7. LazerBeanz

    Multi-talented on weapons

    What sort of weapon does your squad have need of? I'm able to train myself for any weapon you're squad may need. Infiltration? Got a build. Support? You know I got it. Just a bucket? OHHHHHHH BOY I GOT IT! The only build I will not do is sniper. I'm rank B right now, so I'm looking to get a...
  8. LazerBeanz

    I'll always be fresh

    I'll always be fresh
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