Recent content by Merch_Andise

  1. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 3 Think tank

    i have a multitude of things that i'd like to see implemented into splat3, but something that might be interesting is the ability to play ranked modes without it being ranked. They could probably just re-name "ranked" modes as "objective" modes, so you could play either "Ranked Objective" or...
  2. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 Thoughts on the .96 gal?

    (old thread but whatever lmao) I respect the .96 as a weapon, and I understand the benefits that it grants. I see why it has it's place in the meta, and I also see why people use it. It's a really nice 2HKO gun with a very nice support set. that being said, I personally dislike using the .96...
  3. Merch_Andise

    Throwing the game? in turf war

    Imo squid partying should be a bannable offense. You could make the argument that losing in turf war doesn't really mean anything, and that's valid. But at the same time, I'm spending 60$ to play this game. Plus an additional 20$ for online alone. Shockingly, I want to play the game I spent...
  4. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 Any tips on using a Kensa Sloshing Machine?

    Ahh thanks so much! This helps a ton :U Mostly I was having a hard time trying to find a good distance to play with, since I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to distance myself a certain way, or just try and overwhelm my opponent. I haven't really fallen back on the other Machines...
  5. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 Any tips on using a Kensa Sloshing Machine?

    I've been looking to pick up the Kensa Machine for awhile, but tbh nothings been clicking. I've practiced using it in soloq turf wars, and i've brought it into Ranked a few times. But i'm still struggling to perform at a borderline decent level. Is the something I'm doing wrong? I'm treating it...
  6. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 Opinion ~ What do you think is the strongest and weakest special weapon and why?

    Weakest specials are def Splashdown and Tenta Missles. You can still be killed while in the middle of a splashdown, and top-level players will usually always take advantage of that. Your at the mercy of your opponents aiming skill when you use a splashdown. Tenta Missles aren't entirely...
  7. Merch_Andise

    is the regular slosher considered OP?

    Slosher aint op. It can be flanked incredibly easily, can be outranged by a lot of stuff, consumes a lot of ink, and has a mediocre-at-best kit. Don't know where you heard of it being op. The only real instances i've heard of people complaining about a slosher being op has been the Tri-Slosher...
  8. Merch_Andise

    People not knowing different modes

    I've only really ever had one teammate be in that instance of the Classic™ mistaking-rainmaker-for-capture-the-flag Also i've had some teammates that only covered turf, and did nothing else. Like yeah, map control is important, but they literally have a power clam and there is nothing between...
  9. Merch_Andise

    Weapon Nicknames

    I call any Splattershot Pro in the game "The Pro" It doesn't matter if it's vanilla, forge, kensa, anything. Its always "The Pro"
  10. Merch_Andise

    Previous clan had a falling out. Looking for a new group. Hmu if your interested.

    Previous clan had a falling out. Looking for a new group. Hmu if your interested.
  11. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 Opinions on the new subs and specials?

    Fizzy eh. eh. ehhh. I like it. I find it useful to throw down linear passage ways/ramps. I think it mostly suffers from not knowing what it's trying to be. It's somehow stuck in some sort of weird limbo, where its both useful and has no use haha. It just kinda seems vaguely good at turfing and...
  12. Merch_Andise

    Splatoon 2 The dearth of splatoon 2 is upon us

    Imagine thinking that the game is gonna die because they announced that they were finished with weapon updates -.- Chill tf out. Christmas is gonna bring new players, and balance patches are gonna come out till summer to keep the game interesting. I'm not too sure how releasing the final...
  13. Merch_Andise

    I want new Salmon Run content. Like, right now.

    "Hey so we have some things planned for Salmon Run in the near future! Look forward to that!!" Cut to Vers 4.0.0, where all they did was add one new song that only plays when specific protocols have been met -.- I'm getting really tired of Salmon Run. This game has been out since July 17 way...
  14. Merch_Andise

    Why hasn't this been addressed yet?

    Level == The amount time that has been put into game Level =/= The skill of the Player :/ just sayin
  15. Merch_Andise

    You'll get less booyah from me now...

    I used to booyah until i realized how little of a charge boost i actually got for doing it. Plus, if the person using the Bomb had basically any Special Power Up, the amount of Booyahs needed to fully charge it would be decreased dramatically, given that he doesn't have just one sub of it...
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