Recent content by MewtwoLucas

  1. MewtwoLucas

    All current staff members.

    This thread is to list all of the Staff Members for this group. These are the people who you should message if you have any specific questions about what is going on with this group. As more members are added, I will add them to this list as soon as they are. If you are interested in becoming a...
  2. MewtwoLucas

    Taking Questions About the Midwest Splatoon Group

    Also, if anyone has something they'd rather ask in a DM, feel free to message either me or Lord Valor. Most likely you will get a response quicker from Lord Valor, but if he is for whatever reason unable to answer your question, defiantly feel free to message me as well, and hopefully I will...
  3. MewtwoLucas

    Taking Questions About the Midwest Splatoon Group

    As Lord Valor stated, my original intention of creating this group was just to gather all of the players in the Midwest together into one group, which is why it is listed as a region, rather than a squad for example. What actually happens in this group is entirely up to those who are in it. If...
  4. MewtwoLucas

    A Midwest Group play

    I would be down for that. Friday or Saturday would work for me, and anytime after like 6:30 PM works for me.
  5. MewtwoLucas

    Midwest Inkings Roll Call!

    My name on here is MewtwoLucas, but my NNID is SMNathaniel. On Splatoon, my name is Nathaniel, but it is spelled with lots of symbols and has a music note at the end. I live in a place called Westerville, which is near Columbus, Ohio. The weapon I use normally is the N-Zap '85 because I like how...
  6. MewtwoLucas

    When should you Ink Trot?

    I think it's really just so we have something to call it and everyone will know what we are talking about right away, that's why I want to name things at least, I don't care who came up with the term I just want a term to use.
  7. MewtwoLucas

    Spawning thought

    You can't shoot people in the spawn area, and you can get away from spawn campers just by Super Jumping, so I don't think it's a problem at all.
  8. MewtwoLucas

    Opinions on the Splat Roller?

    It's really great for pressuring people, and the flick attack actually gets more range than some weapons such as the Jr. It is also good because if someone is chasing you, you can just turn into a squid and go back through the trail that you just created. However, I don't think it is broken at...
  9. MewtwoLucas

    When should you Ink Trot?

    Someone should start an AT naming thread where we just decide names for all the techs, the game is early and there is no agreed names for the techs, which can lead to confusion where someone may think there is a new tech when it is really just a new name for an old one.
  10. MewtwoLucas

    When should you Ink Trot?

    For those of you who don't know, there is a tech called Ink Trotting that I believe was found by Alpharad. I would leave a link to his video explaining the tech below, but it seems as though he deleted the video from his channel for some reason. If you know of another channel that has covered...
  11. MewtwoLucas

    Why do the Squid Sisters say the same info over and over?

    You can only play Turf War on certain maps at one specific time. They come on to let you know what maps you can play currently. Sometimes they'll "change" it, but it will just be the same maps again, this is when you will see them say the same info.
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