Recent content by MINKUKEL


    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    I sometimes kind of suck for a couple of days, and then suddenly I get in the zone again. Sadly I was not in the zone at all this fest, and I also really hate this Shifty, so it was pretty much just grinding for the snails and quitting while hitting queen rank. Also, I found that I had a lot of...

    Splatoon 1 5-Year Anniversary

    So, 5 year anniversaries are of course not a very big deal in video games usually, but still, I was wondering... Anyone gonna pop into Splatoon this thursday to celebrate? I'm definitely going to play it again the 28th. I got the game way back when on launch day and also played the global...

    Worldwide Splatfest: Mayo vs Ketchup Round 2

    Ah, we lost this time. Not too suprising considering how close it was last time. I could really use the snails, but I had tons of fun, so I'm satisfied. You're gonna find out when Splatoon 3 comes around.

    Squidboards Where Are They Now

    I completely love EO4. It's my first Etrian Odyssey, though I've long suspected I'd like the series. To me the main thing that attracts me to RPGs are the gameplay mechanics, customaizability and balancing, and EO is all about that instead of focusing on story. I'm already completely obsessed by...

    What did you learn from s1 that you don't see people do in s2?

    I never found jumping to really help that much with aiming, I think people really do it only to dodge more easily. And even then, it's a technique that doesn't really work that much in Splatoon compared to most shooters I think due to the small/slow jumps and the scattershot nature of most...

    Squidboards Where Are They Now

    As I said in the Mayo v Ketchup thread, I lost my save file this winter, so I'm still playing Splatoon 2 a lot since I have to unlock everything and get good pieces of gear etc. I should probably go back to Splatoon 1 some time. God knows the Wii U internet isn't going to stick around forever...

    Worldwide Splatfest: Mayo vs Ketchup Round 2

    I am extremely, extremely happy there's another Splatfest. For one, I just enjoy playing during fests the most. But more importantly, I lost my (700 HOUR!!) save-file this winter. My Switch's fan was all messed up and apparentely by the time it got to Nintendo it was so messed up they couldn't...

    Your Best/Worst Shifty Station?

    Wait...I thought the Splatfest stages would only be added for LAN/wireless play? I guess I should try to make that happen, then. Still, it's too much hassle for what essentially accounts for half the game's stages. I mean, getting 7 others together, in your region preferrably (connection-wise...

    Your Best/Worst Shifty Station?

    Yes, we all have 7 friends who own a Switch and Splatoon 2 living nearby...

    Final Splatoon 2 Splatfest - Chaos vs Order

    Well, I reached my goal: playing all Shifty stations at least once this fest. Got to play most of my favorites a couple of times. I had to play through the night a bit, but it was worth it. The only stage I didn't play at all was Mainstage, so it was a great weekend with lots of variety. Very...

    Your Best/Worst Shifty Station?

    Sweet Valley Tentacles, Bridge to Tentaswitchia and MC Princess Diaries are probably my favorites, due to their gimmicks complementing the Turf War mode itself so well, instead of just being a twist in the level design. My least favorite is the Bouncey Twins, although the name is hilarious.

    What do you think of the new Shifty Station?

    I loved it. It feels like a proper finale for the game, and the layout is fun. I'm gonna miss it, like a lot of Shifties. The bombs and Princess Cannon complement the goal of Turf War nicely. They should make more of these kind of stages in Splatoon 3, where there's some other sub-goals in the...

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    So they're doing a schedule, eh? That's good if you want to seek out a specific layout, but it's also bad if you want to seek out a specific layout. And it's even worse if you want to play every layout again. Yes, and you would be playing 1-on-1...not exactly the way the game is meant to be...

    What will happen to Splatoon 2 once Splatfests end?

    There's no need for Nintendo to make any efforts to keep the game 'relevant' for the remainder of the year. Splatoon 1 is still being played by enough people to fill up lobbies in a jiffy, and that sold only half the copies of S2 and is on a console that died before the Switch was even released...

    Final Splatoon 2 Splatfest - Chaos vs Order

    I'm almost kind of thinking they avoided a straight up Pearl vs Marina fest so that people wouldn't expect a repeat of what happened with Callie and Marie. Personally I do hope the results have some sort of effect on Splatoon 3, though,
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