Recent content by Momo

  1. Momo

    How is everyone maintaining their sanity???

    Playing lots of arms, drawing and such! I need to find a splatoon discord sometime soon, it'd be nice to have some people to talk about the hype with
  2. Momo

    The new specials are not overpowered.

    Oooh alright then. So as long as your team gets to it before the other team it'll be pretty useful. Thanks by the way!
  3. Momo

    Gonna actually be active for Splatoon 2

    Gonna actually be active for Splatoon 2
  4. Momo

    The new specials are not overpowered.

    I think of all the specials that have been shown so far I'm most interested in the potential of the bubble blower. From what we saw in the direct, it sends out a few huge bubbles filled with ink that presumably will eventually detonate on their own if not activated by someone on the user's...
  5. Momo

    NA S Rank Squid Looking for a Squad

    Yo! I'm Momo, and I'm looking for a pretty chill competitive squad to join. I want to get more involved with the competitive community, and there's no better way to do that than joining a team and competing. Age: 17 Rank: S ( fluctuating between 10-30 ) Weapons: I mainly play the gals and...
  6. Momo

    Translation thread: Getting involved with Japanese community

    This is a good move for the community as a whole, involving east and est teams. I hope you get some help with such a large undertaking ( once i learn the language ill try! )
  7. Momo

    [S+] Octoshot Looking for A Competitive Team!

    Yo. I'm Momo from Inkstream Brigade, we'd love to have you on board! You can check out our group here! And some additional info here!
  8. Momo

    How Do You Deal With Losing Streaks?

    With my experiences with the ranking system, it seems to work in cycles. In a given session, you start with a cycle of pretty even games, then you start winning more and more. The issue here is that as you keep winning and your rank rises, it begins matching you with higher ranked players...
  9. Momo

    Friendly reminder that there's a MLG Ladder for Splatoon

    This is interesting! How would the community go about running the seasons (deciding match dates etc.) and such do you think? Or does the site self run these things?
  10. Momo

    Weapons Ultramus's Splatoon Guide(WIP)

    This was a very insightful brain drain! It will be interesting seeing how this evolves with the meta.
  11. Momo

    Inkstream Brigade is now recruiting!

    Hey squids! I'm Momo from Inkstream Brigade. We are a mostly NA based squad looking for competitive and casual members. If you aren't competitive, we're looking for generally chill people who just enjoy the game. We do require you have Skype as that is our main means of communication. If you...
  12. Momo

    Welcome to the Brigade
  13. Momo

    Welcome to the Brigade

    That works. I made a channel for the squad
  14. Momo

    Welcome to the Brigade

    Hello Victor! We'd be happy to bring you onto the brigade. Do you have a Skype account?
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