Recent content by MuteBard

  1. MuteBard

    In your opinion: Map and Mode combos that make you go "Nope."

    Really dislike hammerhead on all modes tbh. Event to the point that I like Flounder Zones a bit better, a map combo i used to desperately hate. I dont know what it is, i just dislike sniping there, feels like a mess.
  2. MuteBard

    Males v. Females - The Number Game

  3. MuteBard

    Calamari Cup 3 - The Tides of Change

    Nice read!
  4. MuteBard

    Booyah Battle 4 Results/Feedback

    I like I played for 10+ hours to have our names below SquidBox in the banner. I guess its too petty to ask if whether having it side by side is too much. .o.
  5. MuteBard

    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Discord Hype ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    Discord Invite Refreshed Expires Nov 9, 8:00pm EST
  6. MuteBard

    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Discord Hype ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    Hey guys, im just passing out the invite to the discord where we can more easily squad and chill. Hope to squad + battle you guys soon! Ill update the Invite Daily so that everyone here gets a chance to get in as we put finishing touches. Expires in Nov 7
  7. MuteBard

    A Wild Splatoon Update Appears! (Version 2.2.0)

    After all of this, Splatterscope never looked so good. Goodbye Bye Scoped E-liters + regular custom , you were cool and genuinely fun lot but im gonna return to my first love. Rest in peace
  8. MuteBard

    Lol that tournament was filed with laughs, thanks man

    Lol that tournament was filed with laughs, thanks man
  9. MuteBard

    Not too sure but are you Coffee? If not then sorry about this post but I think played against...

    Not too sure but are you Coffee? If not then sorry about this post but I think played against you, DUDE, Elliot and Boo in tower matches earlier today. Just wanted to say that those matches were Wicked fun. I was the charger IU Mute. Hope to run into you guys again.
  10. MuteBard

    Can Splatoon be an esport? SiVa Gaming seems to think so!

    Thats pretty awesome! Glad to see Splatoon taking the steps to get more widely recognized
  11. MuteBard

    Nintendo Network ID Collection

    NNID: Csevere Location: Massachusetts, US Lv 50, S+
  12. MuteBard

    Why Did You Choose That Username?

    The "Mute" part comes from me enjoying peace and silence from time to time. Bard because I like make music (but not singing lol). Combined them both for a funny oxymoronic effect. Also I love Banette in my avatar and the fact that it cant speak while its reading this book with a judgmental face...
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