Recent content by olliepaj

  1. olliepaj

    Hold X for as long as you can hold your breath

    imagine my disappointment when i tried this and found out that my laptop's keyboard doesn't do the "continuous typing if you hold down a letter" thing. i have to individually click lmaooo
  2. olliepaj

    absolutely ecstatic to be here ‼️

    HIII oh my god i found out about this place via gem squidschool and i cannot overstate how thrilled i am that a place like this exists- i practically grew up on internet forums similar to this one and have been missing a place like this for so long, im so glad i don’t have to choose between...
  3. olliepaj

    question about riptide 2024?

    oh i was literally looking at their twitter earlier and totally missed it 😭 sleepy eyes i guess, thanks to y’all both !
  4. olliepaj

    question about riptide 2024?

    noted! i'll keep an eye out for mentions of splatoon then. also i'm curious, where'd you get the info about it being sept 6-8th ? is it on their twitter or somewhere? i'm not really on twitter much so i havent been following them
  5. olliepaj

    question about riptide 2024?

    thank you both ! i didnt even know that existed, awesome!
  6. olliepaj

    question about riptide 2024?

    hi, i'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, im pretty new here, but i was wondering when/where will news (like, dates, tickets, location, etc) will be posted anywhere online about riptide 2024? like, is there an official account for me to watch or a website or something ? i know it's...
  7. olliepaj

    Yum or Yuck: Squidboards Edition

    yuck ;-; i'm sorry i just can't get myself to like them ! ever since i was a kid haha how do we feel about pierogi ?
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