Recent content by OmegaExcalibur~

  1. OmegaExcalibur~

    I'm a squid now, I'm a kid now, I'm a squid now, I'm a kid now... It's kinda getting old... :P

    I'm a squid now, I'm a kid now, I'm a squid now, I'm a kid now... It's kinda getting old... :P
  2. OmegaExcalibur~

    Just had a bad luck streak..

    I definitely know how you feel. One day, when me and my friend were playing squad battles, I was B- 96. I was so excited to have my old rank back. But then, an S+ squad hopped in. 2 people disconnected, so it was just me and my friend. We were spawncamped while playing Splat Zones. After that...
  3. OmegaExcalibur~

    Map Discussion: Flounder Heights

    This map is kind of hard for Rollers because they have to fling ink for 10 seconds to get up the walls. Also, it makes you an easy target because you're mainly focused on flinging ink on the walls and not any other inklings. Besides that, weapons that cover a large amount of turf such as...
  4. OmegaExcalibur~

    Hello there! Thank you for joining Calamari Crusaders! I hope you'll like being in our group.

    Hello there! Thank you for joining Calamari Crusaders! I hope you'll like being in our group.
  5. OmegaExcalibur~

    What is your list of best to worst maps?

    There's so much lag on Blackbelly Skatepark, it's not even funny. 10. Blackbelly Skatepark (lag, as said above) 9. Port Mackerel (those freaking trucks and surprise rollers) 8. Moray Towers (sniper's paradise) 7. Camp Triggerfish (a comeback map, which I kinda like... I guess...) 6. Saltspray...
  6. OmegaExcalibur~

    I absolutely suck *** at Splat Zones

    You should try to train with other weapons and not just the Splattershot Jr. Maybe Chargers or Rollers would be a good start? Try to find a weapon that fits you well, other than the Splattershot Jr. After a week or two of training with that specific weapon, go in Ranked with it. If you lose, try...
  7. OmegaExcalibur~


    I live in Georgia, so I'm EST too.
  8. OmegaExcalibur~

    So about voice chat

  9. OmegaExcalibur~

    Hey guys

    NNID: NaughtyPotatoowo IGN: Titania Main: Dynamo Roller/Gold Dynamo Roller Sub(s): Splattershot Jr, Aerospray RG/MG, Custom Duel Squelcher, Krak-on Splat Roller, Heavy Splatling, Slosher, Kelp Splat Charger/Splatterscope, Carbon Roller, Octobrush Strategies/Positions: Front-line attacker...
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