Recent content by patthetaco

  1. patthetaco

    Looking for a competitive but not crazy serious clan to play with.

    East coast here. I am putting together a clan of B- (C+ is also acceptable) ranked squids that have potential, you can see the thread in my sig. The clan is for people wanting a place to play some competitive squad battles, without strict requirements. I also hope to host an in-clan practice...
  2. patthetaco

    ETLD / StaffofSmashing: A .52 Gal Deco / .96 Gal Deco Main

    What time zone are you? I'm looking for players to join my Squad (link in my sig) You sound like just the kind of player I am looking for. Someone who can play with competence, while still understanding that it's a game. I do not require strict time commitments like I have seen other squads...
  3. patthetaco

    The "I'll be Rank __ forever" thread

    Stuck a B/B- was stuck at C+ for a while. I'm hoping after I get a group together we can get to A+ Rank.
  4. patthetaco

    Splattershot Surgeons [Membership Open]

    First and foremost I wanted this name before anyone else took it. Secondly if you are looking to start an eSports career this is not where you do it. I'm looking for at least 3 others, hopefully 7 or more, to play Squads with and have a have a weekly Friendlies Match. I've been itching to try...
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