Recent content by Phlox

  1. Phlox

    Tournament [Nov 11, 2017] G7 Splatoon Online (Online)

    There is a new iteration of this tournament coming up on November 11th! All of the info is in the main post
  2. Phlox

    Brella builds?

    Object Shredder, Bomb Defence, and Ink Resistance are the only things you need on this imo
  3. Phlox

    Splatoon 2 Proof That Analog Controls Are Competitively Viable

    There's a reason why people don't give concessions to both sides, and that's because motion is objectively better than sticks. Motion allows for much snappy movement, and with practice, can be extremely steady in aim. Sticks, however, are too slow in general for lining up your crosshair (and...
  4. Phlox

    Splatoon 2 Tournament Entry Fee Poll

    I have made a follow-up poll to this on Twitter! Once again, RTs and votes on the polls are appreciated, same with comments on here or Twitter.
  5. Phlox

    Splatoon 2 Tournament Entry Fee Poll

    Hello all! I plan on organizing a major tournament series that includes a prize pool of $80 USD automatically. I really would like for more casual players to join into the competitive scene, so I want to know what a good price point for entry would be for the average player. The prices in this...
  6. Phlox

    How Frequent Are Hackers Now?

    Hackers aren't that frequent in S+ for me. They're much more frequent now than they were before Splatoon 2's announcement (in which, zero turned into a handful every 75 games or so) but they're not something to be too worried about.
  7. Phlox

    Gameplay review and critque thread

    I'd like to add that right-side peeking may be beneficial to Chargers (didn't watch further into the video so I'm not sure if he used a proper Charger or just the Zimi) but it's not really the be-all end-all, as you can often use left-side peeks to hide your laser to get a surprise shot that may...
  8. Phlox

    Gameplay review and critque thread

    Aight as a Zimi player, lemme take a crack at analyzing the first game. First thing I notice off the bat is that you're not charging bubble at the beginning of the game. Zimi charges special very quickly and it's worth it to get in the first 30 seconds so you can push into enemy territory. The...
  9. Phlox

    How many people here are in teams?

    While I do agree with going into solo instead of squads being very good to learn, Splatoon is still very team-focused in the sense of picking 2v1s instead of always picking 1v1s or even 1v2s. Sure, good players can pick those 1v2s at lower ranks, and sometimes you need to clutch out a victory or...
  10. Phlox

    N-Zap '83 Analysis and Thoughts

    They do play more reserved. However, the main use of the Point Sensor is to keep track of people when you engage, not to make them play more reserved. In that aspect, other gear that helps you initiate better is more worthwhile, as Bomb Range doesn't increase your effective range (unlike other...
  11. Phlox

    N-Zap '83 Analysis and Thoughts

    Your first build is very underwhelming. Point sensors are not a threat by themselves and already cost very little ink, so Ink Saver and Bomb Range aren't too good on the weapon. However, the Run Speed and Swim Speed are really good in general for the N-Zap '83 (I would actually recommend the set...
  12. Phlox

    How many people here are in teams?

    This is incredibly late, and this isn't just directed at you. It's directed to anybody who wants to play this game but feels like they aren't worth the time. Nobody started out as a god, or even good, at these games. Even players like Hitzel, DUDE, etc. who dominated the early competitive scene...
  13. Phlox

    A QR/SJ Discussion Thread

    Just because something isn't blatantly overpowered doesn't mean it doesn't negatively affect the meta. Most of the time, between two similarly-skilled teams, QRSJ simply provides a greater boost than other abilities, effectively centralizing the meta around QRSJ. At top play, you rarely see...
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