Recent content by PhoenixRiku

  1. PhoenixRiku

    Looking for competitive team

    S and not that much. Only easier ones tbh but callouts are pretty easy to learn since they are designed to be intuitive
  2. PhoenixRiku

    Looking for competitive team

    Of course I have, but not a lot of people post on the forums that would necessarily meet what I would be looking for. So unless a lot of people just look for people to post recruitment topics themselves then it appears like it would be hard to form a squad at this point in the game.
  3. PhoenixRiku

    Looking for competitive team

    Added this to first post but I will add it here. Updates: Highly prefer squads that are currently scrimming \ participating intournaments. I also would prefer a squad of others that are all S and higher. That being said I don't necessarily care on your past results I mainly am just looking for...
  4. PhoenixRiku

    Looking for competitive team

    Bump with updates. I'm now S rank. Looking for a competitive team that is active and participates in tournaments. If interested please get in contact with me on the boards so I can ask about stuff like when you guys play to make sure it fits with myself and what not.
  5. PhoenixRiku

    Pick Up Lobbies

    EDITED because apparently this exists
  6. PhoenixRiku

    Pick Up Lobbies

    Yeah I'm well aware of the scrim section. Just didn't know if pickups were "picked up" (he he he) by this community yet / if ever. It is just used as a higher level of warmup / practice in the event that scrims are unavailable or team isn't on. Thanks for the reply!
  7. PhoenixRiku

    Level 42, S rank squid looking for a squad to join.

    The ™ is under symbols and you can include it in a mii name.
  8. PhoenixRiku

    Pick Up Lobbies

    Wanted to see if pick ups were a thing in this game. If it goes by a different name pick ups are private lobbies that play competitive rule set and maps/gamemodes but it is just random teams from people in the competitive community. I was just curious because they are generally a better way to...
  9. PhoenixRiku


    Name: Riku (Mitch) NNID: SweeetPR Skype: mcphoenix11 Timezone: EST Availability: weekends and weekday nights Hi, I'm down to play whenever people hit me up. I'll probably be on Discord most of the time since I'm used to being in teams that have a chat constantly up aka Skype chat.
  10. PhoenixRiku

    Booyah Battle 3

    That is also how Smash does it I believe.
  11. PhoenixRiku

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: PhoenixRiku Country: USA - EST Current Role/Weapon: Tentatek and Aerospray NNID: SweeetPR Your Age: 22 Age Range of Group you are looking for: 18+ (slightly younger is fine, just keep in mind the older one gets the less I get people around the age of 13) Additional Contact...
  12. PhoenixRiku

    Looking for competitive team

    I'm a fast learner. Prefer a group that is 18+ as I do have work obligations and such. Updates: Highly prefer squads that are currently scrimming \ participating intournaments. I also would prefer a squad of others that are S and higher. That being said I don't necessarily care on your past...
  13. PhoenixRiku

    Walleye Warehouse: Analysis and Thoughts

    Bum rushing middle definitely isn't the most optimal solution. Obviously if no one is going mid you should, but from a logical standpoint having 4 run mid actually accomplishes very little, and you can easily help your team claim mid using this route. It also is far less predictable than "bum...
  14. PhoenixRiku

    Stage striking vs rotations

    Agreed with Howl. I know it is a Nintendo game, but you don't have to try to follow Smash. Try other competitive team based shooters... Stage picks alternating are much more effective for shooters. (Set map rotations are fine too.). It feels like people are forcing Smash style on this game...
  15. PhoenixRiku

    Tournament Ruleset Ideas

    Too be honest seems this game lends itself to a very Call of Duty esque competitive ruleset. By that I mean Splatzone is competitively healthy/viable on X, X, and X maps so they are in the rotation and Turf war works for X, X, and X. etc. with all the other game modes. Maybe with a mix of...
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