Recent content by rpgcaster

  1. rpgcaster

    L-3 Nozzlenose discussion

    I enjoy this weapon a lot. Granted it's not as good as other weapons and the fact you can't hold is a little annoying, I'm getting quite a lot of success with it. This may or may not be because I'm mainly a Blaster guy and I just treat it like a burst fire version of that weapon.
  2. rpgcaster

    Charger Players; What is your favorite Charger and why?

    I'm using the Kelp Splat Charger. I enjoy the Sprinklers utility and as well as that the Killer Wail is an excellent way to flush people out of cover to be shot. As well as that I feel it's a good balance between range and charge time. I was a fan of the Kelp Splatterscope but I find that the...
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