Recent content by Shamie

  1. Shamie


  2. Shamie


    My phobia? Dark of course... I should have outgrown that fear a long time ago but apparently I haven't. Impending doom is never a good feeling, especially at night with no one around for security and in a basement.... I sleep with a nightlight, yes...I'm a big baby. I have social anxiety too...
  3. Shamie

    What is a game you would want to play?

    A Fire Emblem MOBA or an all-nintendo mmorpg thingy.
  4. Shamie

    I need an actual job. Got any suggestions? Interning is only good for so long,

    I need an actual job. Got any suggestions? Interning is only good for so long,
  5. Shamie

    Write the person's name above you backwards!

    .ymooW niatpaC .nuf si sihT (This is fun,)
  6. Shamie

    Write the person's name above you backwards!

    .omahcA .ti did I yaY
  7. Shamie

    Pictures of Everyone

    *Not me* Sorry it's sideways... FEFB came yesterday when it said today. Not complaining of course.
  8. Shamie

    What are your talents? Showcase!

    Uh...I guess I'll post here. Why not? Wouldn't call it a talent but for certain songs that I don't have sheet music for I can ear play them on my violin/piano. Composing songs is the hard part, never learned how to actually write music beyond basic notes...haha... I think I'm a pretty good...
  9. Shamie

    Corn in smash bros 4 I'm so happy

    Corn in smash bros 4 I'm so happy
  10. Shamie

    What is your favorite weapon in Splatoon?

    Splooshomatic. Why? It's mainly used for melee combat. As such it's extremely important to be right up close to your enemy. Partly due to my poor reaction times, I like using it because it's quick for sudden bursts of pain and kills relatively easily. The beacon subs are great for team support...
  11. Shamie

    Xenoblade X has been taking most of my time. Splatoon is a fun break from exploring though.

    Xenoblade X has been taking most of my time. Splatoon is a fun break from exploring though.
  12. Shamie

    I'm eating squid right now...Am I a cannibal?

    I'm eating squid right now...Am I a cannibal?
  13. Shamie

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    I drew myself. Done on my phone. 1st is original. 2nd is photo edited. If you wanna download them you can...
  14. Shamie

    A Little Background

    I'm a little iffy about sharing stuff like this because I don't want backlash that's negative. I'm happy to hear support here is positive. @shy Now you in now why it was so easy to shoot me. :p
  15. Shamie

    Xenoblade / XCX social thread

    It was removed then? Huh... Personally I tweak with them to make them smaller 'cause mine are small and I feel weird playing with huge ones.
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