Recent content by silly

  1. silly

    What's the best way to do tryouts?

    Not me you're responding to, but as long as it takes for you to figure out if they're a good fit for your team. Nothing is pre determined like there is no "set amount of time" a tryout SHOULD take. Usually you should be able to get a good grasp of how they play and if they fit in well with...
  2. silly

    What's the best way to do tryouts?

    If you have two other players to play with then no it's not a good idea. It's usually better to see how an individual player fits in playing with the rest of the team. Also, the best way to perform a tryouth will always be a competitive low stakes environment like a Scrim, where there's...
  3. silly

    Opinions on region locked Splatfests?

    Region splits is huge for balance but potentially bad for matchmaking and the non JP theme this time is SO boring??? The JP theme is so much more fun man :(
  4. silly

    We as a community need to change the way we talk about competitive levels of play

    I get what you're saying but if anything I think the way most people talk about teams now is wrong. In my mind, "top level" are the teams that can give the best teams a run for their money, so like ~+1 level basically. High level is some of div X - ~Div 1 (most of +2-better half of +3) with...
  5. silly

    burst flingza. . .

    burst flingza. . .
  6. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    You can still run ninja squid even with tacticooler, obviously it's less effective but NS is just such a powerful ability on Carbon that it's usually worth running even without NS. If you are looking for non NS builds for when you use Tacticooler it also totally makes sense, and this is what I...
  7. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    I don't recommend using scu as a value sub, it also doesn't subtract from your points to special it just increases your points per paint which isn't that effective on carbon since it paints so little. On the quick respawn build I wouldn't recommend using less than 1m2s of QR, the ability isn't...
  8. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    my philosophy with roller builds since splatoon 1 isn't "how much ssu should I be running" it's "how little of everything else can I afford to run for more ssu." Even if it's just a slight increase in movement it's worth it. I still like bdef just situationally
  9. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    Good point, but don't really mind being marked that much, I just have to switch up my playstyle. Especially in a meta where sensor weapons aren't that common and I usually have to wait for cooler before pushing anyways. In my experience bdef just doesn't come into play often enough for me to...
  10. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    @Funky_Eevee How do you feel about bomb defense? I usually have an alt build w a sub of bdef on it but I find it's too matchup specific to run regularly. I only really use it when I'm against Vslosh or like a stamp/splash comp that's gonna chip me a lot
  11. silly

    this is true

    this is true
  12. silly

    What Are You Listening To?

    Brand new release, super fun music I highly recommend Girls Know
  13. silly

    Carbon Roller Deco: Discuss.

    These have been my go to builds recently :] I still use NS in like 90% of games lol
  14. silly

    [FA] Div 1-2 Carbon/Shot main

    You can message me here or on Discord/Twitter (Same handle as Discord) If you have any further questions feel free to shoot me a message. Results here vvv
  15. silly

    Updating the guides section

    I have some time later tonight, I could definitely write up a guide for how to use SendouQ. iirc Chara has a good guide on Youtube as well.
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